CT Scan results questions
Hello Everyone!
I don’t know anyone with my condition outside of this forum so I am coming to this wonderful place to ask some questions about my recent CT Scan. Thanks in advance for anyone who is reading this and can lend some insight.
I was diagnosed with ILD due to Scleroderma in July of 2021. I also have Sjogrens and GERD. I am 49 years old.
My last CT a year ago had mild opacities, no bronchiestasis, no granulomas, no coronary calcifications or fractured ribs. This year I received my findings and its looks worse. I am trying not to be too freaked out about this, I am still pretty active, walk 4-5 miles a day. I have had several bouts with colds/pneumonia since last year.
My question surrounds the fact that my diagnosis went from mild to moderate opacities, what does this mean exactly? Should Ofev help stop the opacity progression?
Does anyone else have mild coronary calcification, calcified right hilar lymph nodes, or splenic granulomas, and is there anything to do about this? Why does this happen?
Also, has anyone dealt with fractured ribs? I have not had any falls or trauma I can think of, I do jog a bit for short distances, had coughing fits with all the colds I had this past year.
Admittedly I am not the best about taking my medication which are Ofev and Mycophenolic Acid for the fibrosis, I get tired of taking up to 12 pills a day. I just got married a few months ago for the first time and I have been trying to live my life happily, but these findings have scared me and I was hoping for some feedback from anyone who has had a similar diagnosis or experience or knowledge with what was found below.
Here is the CT scan findings:
1. No suspicious pulmonary nodule or mass or acute opacity is detected
2. Basal subpleural predominant moderate reticular opacities with mild traction bronchiectasis, stable. No definite honeycombing is detected. Calcified granulomas. Lungs are otherwise clear
3. No axillary lymphadenopathy. Upper normal mediastinal nodes are likely reactive, similar to the prior. No axillary, mediastinal or definite hilar lymphadenopathy identified on this limited noncontrast exam. Calcified right hilar lymph nodes.
4. Heart is not enlarged. No pericardial or pleural effusion
5. Minimal coronary calcifications. The great vessels are normal caliber.
6. Calcified splenic granulomas.
7. Healed rib fractures. Visualized bones show no suspicious lesion.
Stable moderate degree of possible UIP pattern chronic ILD. No acute or suspicious findings detected.
Thank you in advance for your time and kindness, I greatly appreciate your help!
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