• @nimrod hi i am new to this i have had ipf since 2006 i am on oxygen 4 when i walk and i have liquid oxygen and straight oxygen
      This forum is very interesting wish i had it when i first started with iof

      • I’ve had it for about 20 years, it started with Raynauds .I’m on 2 liters .i.e. Taking ofev now to slow down the fibrosis in my lungs.

        • Hi karen
          We are lucky to still be alive as this disease takes some people real early my doctor is really not up to the lazzer i will be talking g to him on monday no office visits with this virus but he was the one who realized what i had one doctor tried puffers and said i do not know what this is goodbye . I was shocked but luckily i found dr perle hope you have a great doctor