Alan Cady
Name | Alan Cady |
Nickname | alan-cady |
Year of Birth | 1946-09-02 00:00:00 |
Short Bio | I don’t know, but I would get a second opinion if I were being treated at the Oklahoma City VA for PULMONARY Fibrosis. It wasn’t until I had gotten my own medical records from the medical records. It took a bit of time 6 1/2 week to get those records, but when I received them, I read through them, after I had reached early 2014 I read the parts about my lungs, and found on the Radiologists report that I had scarring in my lungs. I also had, according to the Radiologists report that I also had a bunch of Noduoles on my lungs also. Also found were several things: several growths in my thyroid, cysts within my liver and somekind of growths within my adrenal glands. The only two things that seemed to trouble the VA was the Noduoles on my liver and the many small growths in my thyroid gland. The Pulmonary Clinic has Dr Kahn, a fellow, do my first consultation about the Noduoles on the lungs. He showed me on his monitor the Noduoles and mostly we talked about the largest one. It was 12 X 07mm. He let me know that over 1 cm was the starting point where a biopsy is needed to rul out cancer. We scheduled it for shortly ahead of this appointment. (I came in and had it done and just a few days after the results were called to me and Dr told me they would have to do another biopsy.) They decided to wait for several months. To do the follow up, I kind of wondered why. Sometime in 2015 they had me go to radiology for a new CT scan and shortly after that Dr. Khan did the consultations on his monitor to show me the largest Noduole had not changed at all but they did the next biopsy within a couple week. They called me with the same results and the wanted me to wait about a year. In early I was Scheduled for my third CT scan and a different fellow That didn’t show me any thing and only said that it was possible that the Nodule ma or my not be slightly larger. About a week or so my third biopsy, this one a cryogenic one and it had a 1 in 5 chance of getting a collapsed lung and time in the hospital. But I had none. The dr, apparently the clinic head tried to get me to agree to an open chest biopsy. I was by myself and still not completely clear from the Propofol used for my biopsy. I was upset that they would do that to someone under the influence of Propofol. We went to my waiting wife that was worried because I was back there so long and they didn’t have the smarts to do as they promised, to keep her informed. That is. Where I will re start what was on the records I had them send to me. As I read further I kind out that the Radiologist new look stated that the (they now called it Pulmonary Fibrosis) scarring had gotten quite a bit more involved. That was sometime in 2015 I think late. The results were the same as the first inconclusiv.. They decided to wait over a year for the three. I had the CT scan in early 2017 and the Radiologists reported that the Pulmonary Fibrosis had gotten worse again. The biopsy done by the Clinic Hearn and he could not reach me, my phone had something wrong but he did I a few weeks ad and the results were benign. He also stills wanted me to have that 4th biopsybut since I really saw problems l was doing fine then, and they didn’t tell me anything other than a 4th biopsy I said to check late. Again no mention of any scarring of my lungs and I still hadn’t seen my records so this had to have been late June I received the records not log after the clinic head called and it only took me one afternoon to read them, I actually went to bed tired after a bit more than 2 hours and it was the next morning I finished.I had no idea what the significance of lung scarring or Pulmonary Fibrosis until I looked it up. It looked like a death sentence without a lung treatment. I was quite angry about the missed diagnosis. I called the Pulmonologist in Midwest City, OK Dr. Amin saw me in just a few days. I was now living in a town over 120 miles away. He called in for a new CT scan. It would have been a very long time to wait for the latest CT scan from the VA. I went in early and gave him the CT and kept the time for his exam and to let me know what he thought. The same thing Pulmonary Fibrosis and he also checked my Oxygen within my blood I walked in the hall around for maybe 75 ft. and went back he put a pulse ox onto my finger and it started in the low 90’s and fell into the low 80’s. After that helet me know I needed to be on oxygen 24 hours a day and he sent in the order that day. It took only a couple days but I used O2 tanks until a portable O2 concentrater. I knew something was not right because I had been loosing my thoughts when talking to several people at one table, and by morning I jus might forget that I ad talked to anyone the night before. But the VA JUST DOESN’t care. There is more but this is longer than I wanted already. Alsn Cady |
Type of Diagnosis | PF of known aetiology |
Treatment / Medical Facility | Dr. Mohamed Amin |
Current medication regimen | None for the Fibrosis |
Lung transplantation status | ineligible |
Supplemental Oxygen | yes |
Best advice for PF symptom management | I don’t know, but I would get a second opinion if I were being treated at the Oklahoma City VA for PULMONARY Fibrosis. It wasn’t until I had gotten my own medical records from the medical records. It took a bit of time 6 1/2 week to get those records, but when I received them, I read through them, after I had reached early 2014 I read the parts about my lungs, and found on the Radiologists report that I had scarring in my lungs. I also had, according to the Radiologists report that I also had a bunch of Noduoles on my lungs also. Also found were several things: several growths in my thyroid, cysts within my liver and somekind of growths within my adrenal glands. The only two things that seemed to trouble the VA was the Noduoles on my liver and the many small growths in my thyroid gland. The Pulmonary Clinic has Dr Kahn, a fellow, do my first consultation about the Noduoles on the lungs. He showed me on his monitor the Noduoles and mostly we talked about the largest one. It was 12 X 07mm. He let me know that over 1 cm was the starting point where a biopsy is needed to rul out cancer. We scheduled it for shortly ahead of this appointment. |