Desmond Sequeira
Name | Desmond Sequeira |
Nickname | desmond-sequeira |
Year of Birth | 1931 |
Gender | Male |
Location | London, England |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | Diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in 2011. Since then I’m regularly checked at two hospitals twice yearly (but with pandemic reduced to just once a year at one hospital). Except one vitamin tablet, I don’t take any medication. I do yoga type stretches and meditate and try to walk 3 miles a day. My pulse, blood pressure and oxygen levels are normal. I Avoid sugar, red meat, milk; limit carbs, try not to mix proteins and carbs in the same meal. Good breakfast:(oats with nuts seeds, berries). My main meal is lunch: mainly seafood and one or two veg followed by fruit and one square of dark chocolate. My evening meal mainly hummus or Taramasalata eaten with celery or carrot sticks and a herbal tea. Another thing: I mainly see the doctors for ‘glue (and now on also for Covid boosters) and never take any medication at all, not even aspirin. I feel all this has helped me to stay healthy, but wouldn’t of course presume to suggest that’s the way to go. But I hope it’ll give you some ideas to take on |
Type of Diagnosis | IPF |
Treatment / Medical Facility | None |
Current medication regimen | One vitamin D tablet dailyj |
Lung transplantation status | considering later |
Supplemental Oxygen | no |
Best advice for PF symptom management | I’m at a loss. I don’t know enough to suggest anything but would it be inconsiderate and a total lack of understanding to say that I believe that all chemical methods have side effects and it would be more helpful to change our life style and if we combine that with doing work that doesn’t provide stress and combine it with yoga and meditation, it may produce better results.
Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication? | no |
How did you find us? | |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF? | Ten years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |