

Gary R. Denig



Year of Birth

1956-03-07 00:00:00

Short Bio

i am a Nursing Home Administrator on permanently disability due to PF. I have four wonderful children and because of my condition I moved in with my daughter last year.

Type of Diagnosis

PF of known aetiology

Treatment / Medical Facility

Ohio State Medical Center

Current medication regimen

Prednisone 10mg daily

Lung transplantation status

currently in evaluation process

Supplemental Oxygen


Best advice for PF symptom management

Become educated.  Get a second opinion if you are not satisfied with treatment or outcome.  The body follows the mind – practice positive affirmations.  Learn to relax.  Exercise or join a pulmonary rehab group.  Take care of your body and soul.  Give up smoking, drinking.  Network with others facing the same disease.

Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication?


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