George Manolakis
Name | George Manolakis |
Nickname | george-manolakis |
Year of Birth | 1934 |
Gender | Male |
Location | South Carolina |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | Symptoms started in beginning of 2017. Diagnosis confirmed early 2018. diagnosis more in center upper lungs and not as much in base which is apparently a more severe diagnosis. No requirement for oxygen. C-scans relatively unchanged over the years. Oximeter results always in 90’s. Principal symptoms are fatigue walking even on slightest incline not apparent on level surfaces, extreme fatigue when bending over and constant phlegm, Am thankful my symptoms are relatively mild compared to other participants in forum. I believe I am very much more active than the general population my age. Read forum regularly and appreciate the input from all participants. |
Type of Diagnosis | IPF |
Treatment / Medical Facility | Local pulmonologist and local hospital altho 2nd opinion from Houston Methodist |
Current medication regimen | none for IPF. |
Lung transplantation status | ineligible |
Supplemental Oxygen | no |
Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication? | no |
How did you find us? | PF News Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF? | 3 years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |