Katie Bagshawe
Name | Katie Bagshawe |
Nickname | katie-bagshawe |
Short Bio | My name is Katie and I’m based in Derbyshire, UK on the outskirts of the Peak District. My association with PF is that my Dad was diagnosed in 2015 and I was his Carer up until he passed away in the Summer of 2017. My Dad was my absolute best friend and my hero so coming to terms with his loss has, and is incredibly difficult. I learned a lot about PF very quickly, we had no prior knowledge of it all before he was diagnosed but he very quickly needed oxygen and support with his mobility and was also referred to palliative care for quite some time before he passed. Whilst I was caring for him I was also completing studies in Psychology and conducted research into the psychological impact of PF by interviewing patients and carers. Since he passed I’ve been looking more to moving into the medical science of it all and am persuing a future career in Diagnostic Radiography in the hope to work with research teams and patients living with progressive lung disease. At present I am working with Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis, a UK based charity to set up a support group in my town and have recently set up a blog as well as Twitter feeds to advertise this but to also pass on my knowledge that I learned whilst caring for Dad. |
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