

Judie McDonald



Year of Birth





Simsbury CT



Short Bio

Diagnosed March 2019 after VATS surgery with Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Origin unknown as I  have not been exposed to the usual risk factors. Have been and am now on Prednisone because of cough which comes and goes with a flare up. My dose is now down to 10 mg/day until I have my annual CT lung scan at end of month and see my Pulmonologist.

He tells me that I am not a candidate for either of the antifibrotic meds at this time because of my diagnosis and I am not sure that I could tolerate them as I also have IBS which can cause havoc at times.

This diagnosis came as a shock to me as I have always done my best to keep up with preventive exams on a yearly basis. I have seasonal allergies and many years of chronic reflux for which I take Omeprazole daily. I had been to my primary care doctor in August,2018 because of nagging cough , especially in the morning. PA did not listen to my chest, advised to take OTC allergy med and Mucus Relief DM cough med as needed. Other symptoms developed for which I saw Cardiologist who sent me for chest x-ray immediately. Diagnosis later that day. referred to Pulmonologist.

I have the utmost confidence in my doctors, although I do get a little anxious when i realize that I’m having another flare up. I too, must let go and trust my doctor to do the possible for me and God will do the rest.

This site has been so helpful to me as I have been reading it since my diagnosis but have not been part of the conversations. Christie’s post encouraged me to be be part of the group.

Thank you to everyone and God Bless you all.

Type of Diagnosis

PF of known aetiology

Treatment / Medical Facility

St Francis Hospital Hartford CT Trinity Health Care of New England

Current medication regimen

Prednisone 10 mg/day, Omeprazole 20 mg/day, Vit D3/2000IU/day

Supplemental Oxygen


Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication?


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