Margaret Trujillo
Name | Margaret Trujillo |
Nickname | margaret-trujillo |
Year of Birth | 1952 |
Location | Texas |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I am 68 and was diagnosed with IPF ON august 7, 2020. When I asked the doctor what I could do he just nodded. I felt he was telling me to go home and deal with it. I then went for a 2 nd opinion. That pulmonologist asked for my pulmonary function test that was done in late July as well as my CT scan imaging report. He called and told me it was very minimal and no further treatment was needed but to do another in October. Once again he called and said there was no progression and that it was still minimal. He also asked for another one in 6 months. At what point do I need treatment. I read no treatment is unacceptable. I feel that I’m loosing time. Please advice. |
Type of Diagnosis | IPF |
Treatment / Medical Facility | UNited Medical Cenyer |
Current medication regimen | Mychophenolate 250 mg 1x daily, from my rheumatologist and 250 mg Flovent 2x daily from the pulmonologist. |
Supplemental Oxygen | no |
Best advice for PF symptom management | |
Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication? | no |
How did you find us? | PF News Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF? | 3 months |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |