

Steve Rasmussen



Year of Birth





Menlo Park



Short Bio

Diagnosed with IFD … Pulmonary Fibrosis  October 2019 after a CT Scan at Kaiser.  Previously in June of 2019 I had a mild bout with pneumonia. After the IFD diagonsis I transferred to the Stanford Hospital.

For 10 + years prior to 2019 I was coughing and experiencing post nasal drip symptoms.  No telltale diagnosis by Kaiser.  After the ILD and my health care transferred to Stanford, the doctors detected and inspected me.  After many various appointments, it seemed that the allergy department saw a mild reaction to “dust mites”.  We replaced all bedroom “down” pillows and comforter. Within four days the phlegm and cough was reduced by 85%!  ( I suspect that “down” is a much bigger respiratory problem than is acknowledge by General Practioners )  I suspect that the many year cough I had experienced, likely due to “down”, migrated into my lungs.

72 years old.  Quite healthy at this time. I frequently use something called an “O” ring on my forefinger to continuously measure oxygen saturation levels.  Very helpful. I especially use it while sleeping when I use my Cpap machine and 1.5 liters of oxygen that I add to my cpap tube.

I try to manage my frequent coughing with Vicks Vapor Cool Severe cough drops, Tea with pressed ginger, frequent sipping of water to name a few things I try to do to manage my coughing.



Type of Diagnosis

PF of known aetiology

Treatment / Medical Facility

Stanford Hospital

Current medication regimen

150 mg twice daily OFEV

Lung transplantation status

currently in evaluation process

Supplemental Oxygen


Best advice for PF symptom management

Exercise, 10 minute pursed breathing, humor.

Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication?


How did you find us?

PF News Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF?

3 3/4 years

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