Anne Roberts
@Anne Roberts
Joined Jan 2019 •
Active 5 years ago
Name | Anne Roberts |
Nickname | anne-roberts |
Year of Birth | 05/10/1946 |
Gender | Female |
Location | United Kingdom |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I Suffer from a form of PF called NSIP. It drives me nuts because it so rare keven my GP has not heard if it and there seems to be precious little research into this killer disease. I feel abandoned my the medlical reaseach fraternity |
Type of Diagnosis | PF of known aetiology |
Treatment / Medical Facility | Immune suppressant drugs plus steroasteroids uds |
Current medication regimen | Immume suppressant drugs plus steroids plus cough suppressent drugs, plus oxygen 24/7 |
Lung transplantation status | ineligible |
Supplemental Oxygen | yes |
Best advice for PF symptom management | I Take oramorphine and or codine to supress the cough which sends my sats into the 70%’s. Also chewing on sugar free menthol gum and Fishernan’s Friends help to supress the cough and subsequent breathlessness |
Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication? | no |
How did you find us? | PF News Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF? | 4 years |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |