

Barbara Schwenzer






Indianapolis, IN



Short Bio

Diagnosed with IPF 9/25/22018.  Since then, hospitalized 3 times for flareups.  (December, March & May).  I’m taking Esbriet, 3 pills, 3 times each day; am on oxygen at 6 liters active & 2 resting (with an oxymizer*).  I’m to undergo a sleep study soon to see if sleep apnea is an issue.  Prior to my IPF dx, I’ve lived with chronic pain issues since 1991; as well as COPD/emphysema.  As my pulmonologist has discussed lung transplant with me, I am in my 3rd week of pulmonary rehab, which is making me stronger.  I quit smoking 3/5/2019 & feel so much better since!

The Oxymizer pendant® is a special oxygen cannula that can be used to supply high flow long term oxygen therapy. It is compatible with a wide variety of oxygen sources. In a reservoir, the Oxymizer® stores pure oxygen so that the concentration of inhaled oxygen is increased.

Type of Diagnosis


Treatment / Medical Facility

Esbriet & 02

Current medication regimen

Esbriet & numerous others (pre IPF)

Lung transplantation status

eligible, currently in evaluation process

Supplemental Oxygen


Best advice for PF symptom management

Calm down & follow doc’s advice.. and learn pursed lip breathing!!! 🙂

Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication?

yes, no

How did you find us?

PF News Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF?

Since 9/25/2018

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