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  • Faye Moore

    December 16, 2018 at 7:38 pm in reply to: The Complexity of “I’m Sick” As a Patient with IPF.

    I am feeling Much better, thank you for asking, And Yes, my workplace has actually been very helpful and understanding of my PF, I am lucky.. it’s amazing how our bodies can heal so fast on some things like my collapse lung, but yet that same lung Can Not get rid of all this scaring to help me stay alive. ?

  • Faye Moore

    December 7, 2018 at 7:33 pm in reply to: The Complexity of “I’m Sick” As a Patient with IPF.

    Hello Charlene, unfortunately I also can relate to this, I am 47 years old, was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis 3 years ago. Just 4 days ago while at work I thought I had heartburn, trying not to make a big deal of it, but I hardly ever get heartburn and it really hurt, so fast forward, after a few hours of working, I end up in ER with a collapse lung caused from coughing to hard! Ughhhh I hate this disease

  • Faye Moore

    November 6, 2018 at 8:11 pm in reply to: Finding a Balance of Rest & Productivity On The Weekends.

    Although I do not have any tips, I would just like to respond… This is So True! I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis 3 years ago. Was very fatigued but not on oxygen yet, tried to get disability but was denied because they said I could find an easier job☹️?. I am currently still working full time, but often call in sick probably once every other week, the weekends I Must get rest just to try an make it a full week at work! PF Sucks! I am only 47 years old, I used to be so active in my kids/family life! Now it is frowned upon when I sleep my weekends away?. Thanks for posting, I feel so alone with this disease, it’s so hard for others to understand because I look so healthy!