Malcolm Mann
Name | Malcolm |
Nickname | Malcolm Mann |
Last Name | Mann |
Short Bio | Fellow coughers I am 68h & 3/4, male and have been very fit most of my life, I was running until Jan this year until arthritis in my feet stopped me running, but I’m still ocean swimming several times a week, albeit with a wet suit and an effective but lazy stroke ( I’m still competitive in my agegroup) My impairment is low, my lung function still within normal, but I’m still coughing, after 20 years, and about 10 doctors and 4 specialists. Since diagnosis of PF in 2015 my condition and lung function has declined slowly. I have recently been referred to the lung clinic in Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney , where either an open lung biopsy, or going straight onto anti fibrosis meds have been proposed. Interestingly with the lung biopsy they are requesting I volunteer for an additional procedure, a new bronchioscope method to ascertain if the less invading bronchioscope procedure can duplicate the open lung biopsy result. Still not sure which way to go.
Type of Diagnosis | PF of known aetiology |
Treatment / Medical Facility | Pulmonary specialist, South Coast NEW Australia, Interstitiall lung disease clinic Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney |
Current medication regimen | About to start |
Lung transplantation status | ineligible |
Supplemental Oxygen | no |
Best advice for PF symptom management | My symptoms are only at the annoying stage, I have been coughing for 20 years despite several attempts to discover why, it was only in 2015 that PF became noticable. |
Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication? | no |
How did you find us? | PF News Website |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |