

Michael Blasi



Short Bio

Hi Everyone,

My motto is:  ONE DAY AT A TIME!  Let me encourage you to never give up…..I was officially diagnosed in August 2016 and the doctor mentioned back then to consider a double lung transplant,

but I said no.  I was feeling good….retired and only a little short of breath walking and going up stairs…..then in March 2017 I started going on oxygen but only for walking and not sitting still or sleeping.  I started pulmonary rehab as well but my oxygen rate started to deteriorate and I needed a higher liter setting….. then in October 2017 while away with my family, everything changed and I was hospitalized for 4 days.  The doctor said I had a “flare-up” and I then went on oxygen 24/7.   After encouragement from my wife,  I went for all the evaluation tests in September 2018 and was put on the Organ Donor Transplant registry in October 2018.  In less than 24 hours, I got “THE CALL” that a donor was available and in the wee hours of Oct 4, 2018 I received a new lease on life.  I received a double-lung transplant during a 6 hour surgery.  I was taken off the ventilator after one day and off the cannula in five days and breathing completely on my own with my new lungs and out of the hospital after 8 days….. I am 69 years old.

As a wise person once told me, we don’t write the plan…..God writes the plan and it is His plan…don’t give up…Believe all things are possible.   Mike B., New Jersey






Type of Diagnosis


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