

John Solomon



Year of Birth





Carmel, IN



Short Bio

I have just registered as a new member and am 73 years old. I was first diagnosed with IPF in Dec. 2012 and have been having regular MRIs every 6 months since then until 2016. During this period, there has been no real progression in my condition. It was not until mid 2018 that I began to feel the real symptoms of IPF with a real acute shortness of breath. I have had another series of X-rays and MRIs done and the tests have revealed that there has been not much but a slight progression in my condition. I also had a very bad cough with sputum which was opaque – unlike when one contracts a severe bronchitis or sore throat. However, since Oct. 2019, my pulmonologist has put me on Esbriet and am now on a full dose of 2,403 mg/day. I was also taking an anti-reflux medication once daily in the morning. I was also prescribed yet another anti-reflux medication to be taken at night and I feel that the combination of the Esbriet and the anti-reflux drug has helped me and I now have practically no cough at all and no sputum. I feel more comfortable and also sleep better at night.

My question is: under the current situation that the entire world is going through, does Esbriet help in such situation as what the drug does is to suppress the progression of IPF. I have now confined myself to the house and have not ventured out for the last two weeks (since Mar. 18). In addition, I was advised a course of 24 pulmo rehab sessions but have completed just 9 of them as the facility had to shut down.  Any information on the effectiveness of Esbriet on the current condition is very much appreciated. Thank you all and stay safe!

Type of Diagnosis


Treatment / Medical Facility

Esbriet – 267mg X 3 tabs X 3 times daily

Current medication regimen

Same as above

Lung transplantation status


Supplemental Oxygen


Are you currently taking an anti-fibrotic medication?


How did you find us?

PF News Website

How long have you or the person that you are caring for had PF?

Since Dec. 2012

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