PMD Healthcare Among Those Marking PF Awareness Month with New Tools for Patients

PMD Healthcare is among the companies and groups marking Pulmonary Fibrosis Month, and supporting efforts to raise awareness of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and improve the care of people with this disease.
PF Month, which runs through September, stems from an initiative created by the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) to educate the public about this progressive disease, and to raise money for research toward better treatments and a possible cure.
Aware that PF progression is widely variable and treatment plans may need to be individually tailored, PMD launched Spiro PD years ago, as the first personal spirometer, an instrument that measures the air capacity of the lungs. The portable device, which helps people with PF and other chronic pulmonary diseases monitor lung health and function so as to avoid sudden flares, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2011.
PMD is now offering other monitoring products, including its second-generation spirometer, Spiro PD 2.0, and a Wellness Management System that meets U.S. government standards for confidentiality of electronic records (is HIPPA compliant).
A video illustrating the Spiro PD and its use is available on the company’s website.
PFF has a range of events planned across the U.S. throughout September, serving to raise research funds, support patients and their families, and increase awareness among both healthcare providers and the general public. A PFF events calendar can be found using this link.
Anyone can also participate in PFF’s “30 Facts in 30 Days” campaign on social media, an effort to share knowledge about PF via PFF’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
PFF recommends that any with a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) seek help at a specialized PF center, since diagnosing PF can be difficult. Doctors and others at these centers are trained to determine the exact type of PF a person has, more accurately estimate how the disease might progress, and to advise patients on best possible treatments.
Specialized PF centers are also equipped to take X-rays, blood tests and the pulmonary function assessments necessary to correctly diagnosis the disease.
A list of PF centers in the PFF Care Center Network is available here.