Bionews Staff,  writers and editors—

Bionews, the owner and publisher of this site, employs science writers and editors, most of whom have PhDs in the life sciences, as well as veteran journalists, who ensure stories are well-written and easy to understand. Our stories undergo a comprehensive fact-checking and editing process to confirm accuracy, objectiveness, and thoroughness in order to best serve our audience of patients and caregivers.

Articles by Bionews Staff

30 Days of PF: Running a Marathon for My Dad

Photo courtesy of Nicholas Sloop Day 10 of 30 This is Nicholas Sloop’s story: I’ve always had a pretty active lifestyle, which I attribute to my dad. Growing up with my dad as an elementary school PE teacher — one who coached many different sports during his teaching career…

30 Days of PF: My Diagnosis Brought Peace of Mind

Photo courtesy of Latoya Hawkins Day 8 of 30 This is Latoya Hawkins’ story: After years of a cough that just would not go away, I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in December 2019. I was prescribed oxygen at that time, which made my disability more visible. Although I…

30 Days of PF: Embracing the Gift I’ve Been Given

Photo courtesy of Mary Spilman Day 7 of 30 This is Mary Spilman’s story: I was on a Girl Scout camping trip with my granddaughter in September 2016 when I caught a cold that turned into pneumonia. The X-ray showed a spot on my lung so I had a…

30 Days of PF: What PF Has Taught Me

Photo courtesy of Linda Gorman Day 4 of 30 This is Linda Gorman’s story: I am not in control of my life. Before PF, I was quite the control freak and thought I could control my health by exercising more, eating healthier, and getting more sleep. Then I started…

30 Days of PF: My Attitude Is One of Gratitude

Photo courtesy of Gail Hicks Day 3 of 30 This is Gail Hicks’ story: My name is Gail Hicks, and my PF story began in February 2017. I had been out of breath and coughing uncontrollably for several months. We were getting ready for a trip to Florida,…

30 Days of PF: My Transplant Story

Photo courtesy of Barbara Grubb Day 2 of 30 This is Barbara Grubb’s story: My story begins like that of many IPF patients. I had a chronic cough for years and it was a long time before I received my diagnosis. I went to my doctor countless times…