Marta Ribeiro,  —

Marta graduated from Universidade Fernando Pessoa in Porto with a degree in Communication Sciences and a Masters degree in New Communication Technologies. She has experience in social media, worked with several media channels, and has also worked as a freelance photographer and a graphic artist for almost 10 years.

Articles by Marta Ribeiro

#TBT – Remembering John Palmer who Died from Pulmonary Fibrosis In this video from NewsKAYadams, let’s remember John Palmer, a veteran NBC News reporter who passed away due to complications from pulmonary fibrosis.  The 77-year-old former White House correspondent and Today show host died at George Washington Hospital after a brief illness. Palmer was a…

What Are Stem Cells and What Do They Do?

Scientists are constantly looking for new ways to make medicine more personalized. One way they are doing this is by researching stem cells. These researched cells are undifferentiated, which means they don’t have a specific job or function, so because of this they have the potential to become other kinds…

5 Risks of Undergoing Lung Transplants

Having a lung transplant may be an overwhelming experience. Your pulmonary fibrosis care team is there to help you every step of the way, but it is your body that will undergo the actual procedure. It’s of the utmost importance to have an…

IPF: The Benefits of Receiving Medicinal Treatment

Professor Jürgen Behr, from the University of Munich, Germany, talks in this video by Boehringer Ingelheim Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and how patients can benefit from receiving medical treatment for IPF. Learn more about pulmonary fibrosis:…

In Conversation with Barbara: What is IPF?

In late 2010, Barbara was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Not having an accurate diagnosis, her doctors decided to star treating her for IPF. Demystifying Medicine shared this video where we can watch Barbara talk about her journey since her diagnosis and addressed common…

Living with PF: Diet Post Transplant and Weight Gain

Pulmonary fibrosis is a channel dedicated to spreading awareness about this life-threatening heart and lung condition. Meet Mark, a father of two who shares his story of resilience and strength. In 2014, his health began rapidly declining and he found himself limited to his bed for…

What Happens to the Lungs in Pulmonary Fibrosis?

Professor Jürgen Behr, from the University of Munich, Germany, talks in this video by Boehringer Ingelheim Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis about idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, describing what the disease is, how it affects patients and shares some useful insights about the ongoing processes in the lungs…

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