Vanda Pinto, PhD,  science writer—

Vanda is a biochemist with a PhD in biomedicine from the University of Porto, Portugal. She conducted her postdoctoral research first at the Bristol Medical School, U.K., studying the insulin-PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in diabetic nephropathy, then at the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, where her focus was on glycosylation in lupus nephritis and inflammatory bowel disease. She next made the switch to science publishing, handling papers in biochemistry, molecular biology, and immunology.

Articles by Vanda Pinto

Viral and Bacterial Infections With IPF Greatly Raise Risk of Death

Joint infection with a virus and bacteria in people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) significantly raises their risk of dying — by more than eight times — relative to patients with no such infections, a study reported. Viral plus bacterial infections were linked to acute exacerbations and disease progression in…

Cudetaxestat for IPF Found Safe in Phase 1 Trial of Healthy Volunteers

Cudetaxestat (BLD-0409), an investigational therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), showed favorable safety and tolerability in a Phase 1 trial of healthy volunteers. Developed by Blade Therapeutics, cudetaxestat is designed to block the activity of an enzyme called autotaxin that produces a pro-scarring (fibrotic) signaling molecule. This enzyme commonly…

Ofev Can Safely Treat Progressive Fibrosing ILDs in Japanese Patients

With reasonable safety, Ofev (nintedanib) slowed lung function decline in Japanese patients with progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (ILDs), according to a subgroup analysis of the Phase 3 INBUILD trial. Overall, this analysis provides further assurance to clinicians in Japan on Ofev’s benefits to patients there, with “no new…

Ofev or Esbriet Can Help Stabilize Lung Function in Advanced IPF

Decline in lung function is slower in people with advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) who start treatment with Ofev (nintedanib) or Esbriet (pirfenidone), although their risk of death remains considerably greater than those with mild to moderate disease, a study based on patient data reported. Data from patient…

Thirona Bio, MannKind Team for Potential New IPF Inhaled Therapy

Thirona Bio has teamed with MannKind Corporation to develop and test a potential inhaled treatment for fibrotic lung diseases, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). FBM5712, which Thirona is working to advance as a possible topical treatment of skin fibrosis, will be modified and investigated by MannKind for its…

Cedars-Sinai, Rubedo Partner to Develop Targeted IPF Treatments

Rubedo Life Sciences announced that it has partnered with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, also in California, to advance its idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) program and conduct collaborative research. The biopharmaceutical’s IPF program focuses on developing senolytics, or small molecules that target harmful senescent cells. These cells increase inflammation, fibrosis…