Make Every Breath Count – a Column by Samuel Kirton

How I’ve Prepared Myself for the End of Life

The day you’re diagnosed with a chronic illness is generally a day you won’t forget. The words from my doctor, Steven Nathan, made sense in the moment. They also became a collection of sound bites. They fall into three distinct categories: 1) you have, 2) you can expect, and…

Honoring My First Year With My New Lungs

Following my diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) in January 2017, I knew the disease would diminish my quality of life. For about three years, my IPF progression stair-stepped — that is, I’d remain stable for a period, and then I’d experience a decline in lung function and…

My Post-transplant Life Is Well Worth the Cost

Almost 30 hours after my bilateral lung transplant, it was time for me to be extubated and take my first solo breath with my new lungs. My wife, Susan, was at my bedside, along with several nurses. In a video of that day last July, you can hear Susan ask…

Appreciating Other Perspectives on the IPF Journey

This time a year ago was very different for my wife, Susan, and me. My idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) was no longer stable, but progressing. Susan was confident I wouldn’t make it to Christmas. Upon exertion, I needed over 7 liters per minute (lpm) of supplemental oxygen. Exertion…