Make Every Breath Count – a Column by Samuel Kirton

Celebrating Milestones on the Road I Have Traveled

There are certain moments in our lives when a single event becomes indelibly etched into our memory. And the significance of such moments is dictated by each of us. Think about that for a minute. What moments are etched into your memory? Have you dealt with the loss of a…

Always Pay Attention to Your Body’s Signs

Shortly after I was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), I was on a walk and spotted a leaf in the shape of a heart. For some reason, the beauty of it struck me. It was a sign; nature had left me a message. I collected the leaf and…

New Adventures Are a Part of the IPF Journey

Last January, I started a column with the following: “’Every day is a new adventure!’ This is often my response when someone asks how I’m doing. It also seems appropriate when looking forward to what 2022 may hold for me.” Coincidentally, as I sat…

What You Can Do to Bring a Season of Hope and Joy

With just a few days remaining before Christmas, not much has changed this year in the search for a cure for pulmonary fibrosis (PF). Scientists continue to pursue theories searching for a clue that will lead to a cure or even more effective therapies. But even research that does…