Social Clips

4 Breathing Mistakes You’re Probably Making

We breathe every day. For some of us, this process is simple and we don’t think too much about it. For others, it’s a constant struggle that requires a lot of concentration and effort. For all of us, it’s important we’re aware that there’s a right—and wrong—way to breathe. If you…

How to Travel With Pulmonary Fibrosis If You’re on Oxygen

Traveling with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) can be very challenging if you require oxygen. You need to be sure you have enough oxygen for your journey, plus extra in case of any hold-ups or unforeseen circumstances.  Usually, traveling short distances doesn’t really pose many problems but long distance car travel or traveling by…

8 Ways to Feel Happier

It can sometimes be a challenge to look on the bright side when you have a chronic illness, but spending time doing things that make you happy will help keep depression at bay, help you come to terms with your illness better and begin enjoying life again. To help you feel happier,…

Columnist Explores the Downside of Social Support for IPF

If you have a chronic illness such as pulmonary fibrosis you can draw tremendous strength from others who are going through the same experiences as you are. Befriending others who suffer from the same illness provides you with a community you can rely on, who understand your situation better than your friends and family. It…

7 Important Facts About Pulmonary Fibrosis

If you or a friend or loved one has recently been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis (PF), you probably have a lot of questions. Very little is known about this chronic lung condition, despite the fact that approximately five million people suffer from it worldwide. We’ve put together a list of important facts about pulmonary…

How to Tell Others You Have Pulmonary Fibrosis

Telling other people you have a chronic disease such as pulmonary fibrosis is never easy as our resident columnist Kim Fredrickson explains in her latest post, “How Do You Tell Others You Have a Terminal Lung Disease?“. Understand how coughing affects the lives of patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Telling family, friends,…

6 Foods That Can Help You Fight a Cold or Flu

Winter is a perilous time if you have a compromised immune system, but you can’t stay alone inside for four months. You have to get on with your daily life, and just hope you don’t succumb to other people’s bugs and illnesses. However, there are some foods that can help you avoid catching a cold…

Living With Pulmonary Fibrosis: Colin’s Story

  In this film by the British Lung Foundation shared by Magneto Films, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patient, Colin, describes what it’s like living with the disease. Find out about the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis.  Colin, who’s from the U.K., first noticed symptoms on holiday when he began to experience…