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Causes of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

“Professor Ulrich Costabel, from the Department of Pneymonology and Allergology, Ruhrlandklinik, Essen, discusses some questions and possible causes of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).” Read more about pulmonary fibrosis:…

Last Week’s Hot Topic on Pulmonary Fibrosis

Last week’s hot topic on pulmonary fibrosis was Traditional Chinese Medicine Eased Inflammation, Fibrosis in Animal PF Model written by Magdalena Kegel. This articles focus on a study from the University of Madras, India, which showed that celastrol — a component of an extract from the Thunder…

The Patient Voice: Bryan, IPF Patient This is a video shared by PatientsLikeMe in July, 2015. In it, you can watch idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient, Bryan Kincaid, talk about his life with IPF. Bryan became a patient of Patients Like Me in 2013, but unfortunately, in 2014, Bryan passed away due to complications…

Marilyn’s Pulmonary Fibrosis Story

“Marylin was diagnosed with PF and needed a lung transplant, but due to her age many centers wouldn’t perform the procedure. The Temple Lung Center gave her the life-saving transplant that she needed.” Learn more about pulmonary fibrosis and lung transplants:…