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  • 30 Days of PF: My Message Is Hope

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on September 27, 2021 at 3:16 pm

    Holly Patient had persistent cough that led to a check-up where she was told she had a lung problem. Her IPF diagnosis came more than a year later. She knows all about fear, fatigue, side effects, never-ending appointments, unceasing anxiety and more. To her, stress, means very serious worry about her unknown and possibly tough future.

    Holly’s disease progressed rapidly, and on March 15, 2019, her IPF journey ended, and her double lung transplant journey began. She celebrates being alive and treasures every good moment.

    Her message to fellow IPF warriors is: “Remember, you are never alone in your transplant journey, and I hope that some of you reading this will join me. You can do it.” – Holly Patient.

    Holly, you are mighty!

    Holly’s story makes me wonder how to remain hopeful in challenging times. Currently, I struggle with my mental and physical health. Loneliness feels ever-present right now, but I am making an effort to hope for positive change. What do you think, PF Community? How do you remain hopeful?

    Holly’s story is on our Instagram! Go check it out and do give us a follow so you don’t miss out on any #30DaysofPF stories. We are almost at the end of this truly eye-opening month, stay with us 🙂


    Jessie Madrigal Fletcher replied 3 years, 5 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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