Research and Development
This group unites PF patients, caregivers, researchers and medical professionals in a platform to... View more
Drug Development at UT That Could Reverse Lung Scarring
Drug Development at UT That Could Reverse Lung Scarring
Just another quick note of gratitude to all who respectfully use and contribute helpful information for others on this site. I am inspired by you all daily, and thankful for the dedication you show in helping others who are also living with pulmonary fibrosis (PF).
Recently, this site welcomed member number 1000 and has climbed again since then. This makes us very proud, because we rarely run into issues where a moderator (myself) has to intervene and remove a profile, which happens frequently on other sites due to members disagreeing. I am so happy with the respect and care shown on this site – it is one of the reasons that this platform is very special to a number of people who access our site daily. Thank you!
I also appreciate it when members send me new information that they come across pertaining to IPF, in the hope that I can share it broadly. I am doing that with this post, as a member recently sent me an article on Tyler University discovering a drug that could reverse lung scarring. This was published last month, so still very recent, but I was wondering: has anyone seen any follow up publications to this topic?
This is potentially good news for all of us, so I thought I’d share the video here. I am also interested in doing a bit more research on the Austin-based company, Lung Therapeutics. Has anyone heard of this before?
I know there are researchers around the world on the brink of finding something that helps all of us living with IPF, besides lung transplantation. The video above says that the various studies needed to reveal any benefit of this drug could take 2-3 years, in addition to the safety studies (6 months – 1 year). I am so hopeful this is effective, but also hope folks work as quickly as possible for those of us living with this disease.
What are your thoughts on the video link above?
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