Research and Development
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Research Study: How IPF Affects Quality of Life
Research Study: How IPF Affects Quality of Life
Hi Everyone!
Has anyone read this study, which was published in 2005? I have been thinking a lot about how PF can affect not only a patient’s quality of life, but that of their family as well. I was particularly interested in what factors were considered when determining impact on quality of life and did a quick literature review/search on whether this was captured from a patient’s perspective anywhere. That is how I came across this article and I found it really interesting. Here is the link: https://hqlo.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1477-7525-3-61
In quick summary, patients identified 12 factors that the disease affects in their lives, which were:
1. IPF Symptoms
2. IPF Therapy
3. Sleep
4. Exhaustion
5. Forethought
6. Employment and Finances
7. Dependence
8. Family
9. Sexual Relations
10. Social Participation
11. Mental and Spiritual Well-Being
12. MortalityCould you add any others to this list?
Also, I found this statement particularly resonated with me: “Living with IPF also made patients reflect on their lives and their emotional selves. They were forced to think about things that they didn’t necessarily want to think about (e.g., their own mortality and the effects that would have on loved ones left behind)”
What types of things do you feel like this disease has forced you to think about, that you might not have otherwise if you weren’t diagnosed with IPF/PF? Please share.
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