Patricia Inácio, PhD,  science writer—

Patricia holds her PhD in cell biology from the University Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, and has served as an author on several research projects and fellowships, as well as major grant applications for European agencies. She also served as a PhD student research assistant in the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University, New York, for which she was awarded a Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) fellowship.

Articles by Patricia Inácio

First Patient Enrolls in Phase 2b Trial of INOpulse Nitric Oxide Delivery System

Bellerophon Therapeutics has enrolled the first pulmonary hypertension patient in a Phase 2b clinical trial of its INOpulse nitric oxide delivery system. The trial (NCT03267108) of the blood-vessel-widening device will cover people with pulmonary hypertension associated with interstitial lung disease, or PH-ILD. This includes people with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,…

Top 10 Pulmonary Fibrosis Articles of 2017

Throughout 2017, Pulmonary Fibrosis News Today reported daily discoveries, therapeutic developments, and events related to pulmonary fibrosis. Here, we review the top 10 most-read articles of 2017, with a brief description of what made them interesting and relevant to PF patients, family members, and caregivers. No. 10 – Esbriet’s Efficacy…

Esbriet’s Efficacy in Severe IPF Seen to Diminish 6-12 Months After Treatment’s Start, Study Shows

Esbriet (pirfenidone) seems to have diminishing therapeutic effect after six months of treatment and possibly no benefit after one year in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients with advanced disease, a Greek retrospective study shows. The study, “Safety and efficacy of pirfenidone in severe Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: A real-world observational…

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