Samuel Kirton,  —

Sam Kirton started his column in November 2021 and writes from his home at Lake Anna, Virginia, where he lives with his wife Susan. His diagnosis at age 59 with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in January 2017 began a journey of awareness and advocacy. Sam was listed for a lung transplant on March 19, 2021 and received a bilateral lung transplant on July 10, 2021. This was quite the change from his career as a special agent for the Office of Special Investigations and as a corporate security executive. Sam plans to share his journey so you, too, can make every breath count. You can follow Sam’s thoughts on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Articles by Samuel Kirton

Identifying and Avoiding False Health Claims

Internet scams are widespread and can infiltrate every aspect of our digital presence. The prevalence of online dating scams, for instance, was recently highlighted in the trending Netflix documentary “The Tinder Swindler.” Scams have become particularly rampant in rare disease communities, and are spreading rapidly via social media platforms,…

Ensuring No One Is Underserved Along Roads Less Traveled

The availability and quality of healthcare patients receive is often based on where they live and what they can afford. This is especially true for those among us with a rare disease. That’s what health equity is all about. It belongs under the umbrella term “social justice,” which encompasses a…

Celebrating Our Caregivers

During the course of having idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) or any other rare disease, the role of the caregiver requires a large measure of patience, an ability to multitask, and the capability to pivot without knowing what lies ahead. Caregivers, whether working alone or as part of a team,…

Turning Pandemic Negatives Into Positives

I’ve found myself daydreaming lately about a return to normal. I long for the days when we didn’t need face masks, when I could see someone’s smile during a conversation, and when hand sanitizer wasn’t the most frequent smell I encountered. Most people who know me would describe me as…

Training for Transplant: How I Learned to Breathe Again

Along this journey with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, my care team has had several different tools at their disposal. Some must be used in combination with others, while some are only used to gather information. Pulmonary rehabilitation, which can be deployed both pre- and post-transplant, falls under both…