Just Breathe...Compassionate Help for the PF Journey

d87dbd0122f8a05f8c93e6576ea24dfaKim Fredrickson was an Author, Blogger and Marriage and Family Therapist. She lived in Northern CA, with her husband of 40 years and had 2 adult children. Kim was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in May 2014, as a rare complication from chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. Kim is the author of Pulmonary Fibrosis Journey: A Counselor and Fellow Patient Walks with You, The Power of Positive Self-Talk, and Give Your Kids a Break: Parenting with Compassion for You and Your Children. Kim believed that learning to advocate for yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would for a good friend, makes this difficult journey a little easier. In her patient column on Pulmonary Fibrosis News, she offered practical ideas to help us care for ourselves, fight for what we need, and process our many-layered emotions. Kim passed away in 2019, but her inspirational work advocating for the IPF community continues to inspire and endure. Read more of Kim's writing at www.kimfredrickson.com

Dealing with Body Aches and Pains

Lately, I’ve been dealing with some aches and pains. Although I try to get up and move around a lot, being sedentary has resulted in body aches, pain, and stiffness. I’ve come up with some solutions that have helped me. I hope they’ll help you, too. Pain on…

Getting the Specialized Medical Help We Need

Most of us receive our medical care from our primary care doctor or a local pulmonologist. However helpful they may be, they don’t know everything about the rare disease that we have. Four years ago, the first pulmonologist I saw told me I had a few months to…

Self-care Tips for PF Patients

Being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis is not for the faint of heart. It is a rough road full of fears, losses, and unknowns. It’s difficult getting used to all that comes with this diagnosis, including lots of up and downs, tears, disbelief, and attempts to adjust. Taking good care…

Tips to Help Doctors Give Us the Help We Need

Just like you, I’ve had my share of good experiences with doctors, and frustrating ones, too. I wish I could share some tips with doctors to help me cope with this awful disease. I’ve asked fellow patients I know online for their input, and they had a lot…

Celebrating Meaningful Milestones

Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 40th anniversary. I was so grateful to celebrate this amazing day with this wonderful man! Four years ago, I was told I had a few months to a year to live and I was offered no treatment options. Being given…

Enjoying Every Moment of Summer

e With summer in full swing, I’ve decided to enjoy the special things about the season. I’m trying to be intentional about relishing the good things, instead of going into automatic mode — just surviving every day. Summer food Boysenberry Cobbler (Photo by Kim Fredrickson) My…