Just Breathe...Compassionate Help for the PF Journey

d87dbd0122f8a05f8c93e6576ea24dfaKim Fredrickson was an Author, Blogger and Marriage and Family Therapist. She lived in Northern CA, with her husband of 40 years and had 2 adult children. Kim was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in May 2014, as a rare complication from chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. Kim is the author of Pulmonary Fibrosis Journey: A Counselor and Fellow Patient Walks with You, The Power of Positive Self-Talk, and Give Your Kids a Break: Parenting with Compassion for You and Your Children. Kim believed that learning to advocate for yourself with kindness and compassion, just as you would for a good friend, makes this difficult journey a little easier. In her patient column on Pulmonary Fibrosis News, she offered practical ideas to help us care for ourselves, fight for what we need, and process our many-layered emotions. Kim passed away in 2019, but her inspirational work advocating for the IPF community continues to inspire and endure. Read more of Kim's writing at www.kimfredrickson.com

My Life Isn’t Over Yet

About two years ago I had a very touching experience. I had retired from my counseling practice of 30 years. I was part of a group of 10 wonderful therapists who were good friends as well as colleagues. Once a year we went on a retreat to a…

I’m Feeling Vulnerable as My PF Progresses

I’ve been feeling vulnerable lately. I feel vulnerable having pulmonary fibrosis (PF), being disabled, using supplemental oxygen, and being ever-increasingly more dependent on others. What do I mean by vulnerable? Oxford English Dictionary defines “vulnerable” as “exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically…

What I’ve Learned from Lung Transplant Tests

I shared in a recent column that I’m going through testing for lung transplant consideration. It has been challenging, but I am grateful because I know many pulmonary fibrosis patients do not have this opportunity. Being poked and prodded is exhausting, stressful, and sometimes painful. But it…

Why Do PF Patients Have Trouble Thinking Clearly?

Last week, I wrote about my brain-fog struggles. It’s common to wonder, “Why am I having so much trouble thinking clearly? Is it from pulmonary fibrosis?” I was able to run this question by Noah Greenspan, a doctor of physical therapy who specializes in cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. He…

PF Brain Fog Struggles and Solutions

Lately, I’ve noticed I’m not thinking through things as well as I used to. It is very hard for me to accept since clear thinking was a strength for me. I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis four years ago. Here’s what my brain fog looks like. Forgetting information…

What I Wish I’d Known When I Was Diagnosed

I’m coming up on the fourth anniversary of being diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. It’s caused me to ponder what I wish I’d known before my diagnosis. Three things are at the top of my list. Ignore information online about life expectancy My disease progressed rapidly because it…

Be Kind to Yourself Throughout Hardships

All pulmonary fibrosis (PF) patients go through hardships. We watch our lungs and health decline and we suffer emotional pain as we process our foreshortened lives. Grief becomes a companion as we emotionally process all we endure. This disease takes a toll on us. Talk to yourself with…

Making Funeral Arrangements a Little Easier

After I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, I began evaluating the best way to spend the precious time and energy I have left. Against a backdrop of grief, I made a list of the things I wanted to complete before I passed. Some goals involved increasing…