
Do These Symptoms Mean My Disease Is Worsening?

Living with a chronic illness is not for the faint of heart. In addition to the physical and emotional aspects of having a life-threatening lung disease like idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), there are also many mental challenges. As patients, we’re often forced to face our fears, especially during acute…

Are Healthy Young Adults as Tired as I Am?

“I’m so busy” feels like it’s now a common response to the question, “How are you?” It’s like being busy is glorified or worn as a badge of honor among many of us, myself included. Living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a life-threatening and debilitating lung disease, has forced…

My Post-transplant Life Is Well Worth the Cost

Almost 30 hours after my bilateral lung transplant, it was time for me to be extubated and take my first solo breath with my new lungs. My wife, Susan, was at my bedside, along with several nurses. In a video of that day last July, you can hear Susan ask…

Appreciating Other Perspectives on the IPF Journey

This time a year ago was very different for my wife, Susan, and me. My idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) was no longer stable, but progressing. Susan was confident I wouldn’t make it to Christmas. Upon exertion, I needed over 7 liters per minute (lpm) of supplemental oxygen. Exertion…

It’s My Turn to Take On the Role of Caregiver

I never thought I’d take for granted the caregiving I receive from my daughter, at least not on purpose. But that’s exactly what I was doing. I knew I could count on her on the days I needed someone to drive me to my appointments, for instance, because when my…

How to Help When PF-related Trauma Shows Up Unexpectedly

It’s hard to forget traumatic events. Even if we’re not directly involved, these moments often become ingrained in our psyche. When we face trauma firsthand, we tend to remember many of the sensory experiences connected to the event. My most traumatic experience was being intubated after an exacerbation…