Social Clips

7 Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is often called the “sunshine vitamin,” mostly because we get it naturally when the sun’s UV rays interact with our skin, which triggers the vitamin’s synthesis. The vitamin helps our body’s absorption of calcium to keep our bones strong and encourage healthy cells to grow. Last year, researchers demonstrated the protective effects of vitamin…

5 Pulmonary Fibrosis Questions for Your Doctor

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, there are probably loads of questions running through your mind.  Here are some of the most important questions you should ask your doctor according to the American Lung Association. 1. “What is pulmonary fibrosis?” Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) literally means scarring of the lungs.

8 Ongoing Research Projects for Pulmonary Fibrosis

The world of science and medicine never stands still. Research constantly pushes things further along–creating, developing, and fine-tuning treatments so they are more effective, and working to establish why diseases happen and how they progress. Thankfully, pulmonary fibrosis research is also constantly moving forward. According to, the Centre for Inflammation and Tissue Repair…

VeinViewer Will Help Nurses With IVs and Blood Tests

Anyone with a chronic illness will testify that they spend a lot of time in the doctor’s office having blood work done. Which means getting pricked with a lot of needles, which can sometimes take two or three (or more) attempts to find a compliant vein. Here are some…

How to Stay Active With a Lung Condition This video from the British Lung Foundation emphasizes the importance of keeping active if you have a chronic lung condition. Find out about the diagnostic tools needed for pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary rehabilitation is recommended for most people who suffer from severe lung diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis. The…

Is Pulmonary Fibrosis Treatable?

Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) is a chronic lung condition where scarred tissue makes the lungs unable to deliver oxygen to the blood stream effectively. The more scarred the lung tissue is, the more severe the condition will be. Find out about six pulmonary fibrosis diagnostic tools. The scarring of lung tissue…

#TBT: Caring for a Lung Transplant Patient

What’s it like taking care of someone who’s had a lung transplant? In this video from Gifted Life, 26-year-old Lauren and her mom explain what it’s like looking after someone who has a chronic lung condition and the differences between pre- and post-transplant caregiving. Learn more…