The Benefits of Doing Pulmonary Rehab Online

Kim Fredrickson avatar

by Kim Fredrickson |

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pulmonary rehab

Just breathe, passionate help for the PF journey

One of my goals as a pulmonary fibrosis patient is to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Regularly exercising has helped me immensely. I actually feel better than I used to. At first, I thought my doctor was crazy when he referred me to pulmonary rehabilitation. I couldn’t believe that he was asking me to exercise when I was exhausted all the time!

Pulmonary rehab is a program for patients who have lung conditions like COPD, emphysema, asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis. The program I went through lasted 10 sessions and focused on exercising and how to take care of our lungs. Over time, I have learned how important pulmonary rehab is to feel better and extend my life.

The less active we become, the more our bodies decondition. This contributes to decreased lung function and the need for supplemental oxygen. It also increases the chance of hospitalization and reduces our quality of life.

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Many patients are unable to attend pulmonary rehab for a variety of reasons. I used to go three to four times a week, but as my lungs have worsened, it’s gotten harder and harder to attend. Just getting there and back as well as doing all the exercises at once wears me out and exhausts me for the rest of the day. Fortunately, I recently found another way.

Pulmonary Wellness Online

I started an online pulmonary rehab program three weeks ago that has made a big difference in my life. It is called Pulmonary Wellness Online and is headed up by Dr. Noah Greenspan, founder of the Pulmonary Wellness & Rehabilitation Center and a board-certified clinical specialist in cardiovascular and pulmonary physical therapy.

(Courtesy of Dr. Noah Greenspan)

Dr. Greenspan is also the author of the excellent book, “Ultimate Pulmonary Wellness,” a comprehensive resource for all people living with a respiratory disease, including patients’ families, caretakers, and clinicians.

I’m letting you know about this comprehensive online program because it has been so beneficial to me. I get no perks from telling you about it. This is how it works: You access this program on the internet via your computer or another device. Each day, Dr. Greenspan starts off with a talk about what he’ll cover that day. That is followed by three other activities (which I do throughout the day) that vary daily, such as walking, balance, flexibility, strength training, meditation and motivation, qi gong and tai chi, practicing positive mindsets, yoga, and breathing exercises. There are also live interactive group seminars, Q&A sessions, and personalized one-on-one phone or video consultations.

How it’s helped me

I knew pulmonary rehab would be helpful to me physically; I feel better and have more stamina after only two weeks. What I didn’t expect was how supported and encouraged I would feel. Having a rare disease like pulmonary fibrosis often makes me feel alone and like I have to figure everything out myself. It’s so nice to have a coach by my side who addresses all aspects of my well-being.

Dr. Greenspan really cares about us. He created this program to be our coach, motivator, and encourager. He and many experienced experts come alongside us to help us be as healthy as possible and to improve our quality of life. You can read more about the Pulmonary Wellness Online program here.

How it inspires me

  • I feel like I have a coach in my corner who educates and motivates me.
  • I don’t have to figure everything out on my own; it’s all laid out for me.
  • I feel empowered. I can have a positive impact on my health even with such a serious disease.
  • Working this program is an act of self-care.
  • I can work out and improve my health from the comfort of my home.
  • I am part of a larger community of PF patients who support and encourage one another.

Doesn’t this sound great? This program starts with a six-week boot camp, followed by new content including weekly live seminars, weekly Q&A sessions, and joint presentations with many of the top experts in their respective specialties.

I encourage you to check it out. Try it for a month or take advantage of the yearly discount rate. It feels so good to do something proactively to improve my health!

I’d love to hear from you!

Do you attend pulmonary rehab? Have you tried Dr. Greenspan’s program? How has exercising improved your health and quality of life?

Please leave a comment below and share with those who could benefit via email or on social media.


Note: Pulmonary Fibrosis News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Pulmonary Fibrosis News or its parent company, Bionews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to pulmonary fibrosis.


ANDREWS avatar


This sounds good. I have been trying to join a pulmonary rehab group for 6 months but there are as yet no vacancies here in Sydney Australia so will give this a try.

Thank You

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Oh good! I just love it!!!

Kim Trexler avatar

Kim Trexler

I have cystic fibrosis and have done pulmonary rehab but very hard to get to the classes because I do dialysis too

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Kim,
Wow, that would be so much to handle. Doing rehab at home will help and simplify your life. Hope it is a real blessing to you!

James Dawson avatar

James Dawson

Can anyone tell me the difference between PF and IPF. Are the treatments the same? More than half of the documents I read sounds like the two terms are interchangeable.

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi James,
The "I" in IPF stands for ideopathic, which means they don't know why a patient developed PF. More people have IPF than PF (where the cause is known). Some treatments are the same for both diagnosis, and some (medications) are different. I have a book coming out on 11/15 that may help you on this journey. It's called "Pulmonary Fibrosis Journey: A Counselor and Patient Walks with You", and will be available on amazon as an e-book, or paperback.

Lynne Collett avatar

Lynne Collett

The "I" stands for idiopathic which means" I don't know".

Anthony Grundy avatar

Anthony Grundy

They are the same the "I" just stands for idiopathic which means "of unknown origin"

Cheers breathe well, Tony

Kasandra Maidmentt avatar

Kasandra Maidmentt

There are many different kinds PF or pulmonary fibrosis, also known as ILD or interstitial lung disease. IPF or ideopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a specific type with it's own type of treatment and outcomes.

Laureen Quinlan avatar

Laureen Quinlan

Wonderful article. I have also joined Boot Camp. On day 30. It is the best thing I have done for myself and my health. Can’t wait to log in each morning to receive more info on how to better myself. Thanks to Dr Noah and Pulmonary Wellness Online

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Laureen! A fellow Boot Camper! I look forward to hearing from Dr. Noah every day too :)

Eileen avatar


Hi Kim,
I looked at Dr. Greenspan's on line program. I have treadmill, air dyne bike hand weights and soon a rowing machine. It looks like the cardio part of his program focuses on tai-chi, pilates, etc. Does he ever do segments using traditional exercise equipment?
Like you, it is getting harder and harder to go downtown to pulmonary rehab maintenance.

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Eileen,
I'm glad you checked out Dr. Noah's program. Wow, you have some great equipment! He hasn't use traditional equipment other than treadmill. He also does several types of breathing exercises and is very inspiring and encouraging. Good for you for being so active in your health. Blessings, Kim

Celso (Tony) Hernandez avatar

Celso (Tony) Hernandez

About 15 months ago (around early Autumn of 2017) I felt some discomfort in my the back- my right rib area and my regular doctor did hear something abnormal with his stethoscope, and wrote up an X-ray order. The film showed something amiss and my VA doctor, in turn, wrote up a CT SCAN order. That one showed possible beginning of a IPF condition. Several CT SCANS later the diagnosis seems more definite.

At this time I suffer a bit of tiredness/out of breath when especially walking uphill. Even the walk from the VA parking to the main building of the VA Hospital can be a bit challenging. I still keep active and take care of grass mowing duties and care for my garden and yes, I often push a full wheel barrow up hills. I surely take time out to rest a few minutes when I get winded because of such tasks.

Up to now I have not had any advise from the VA doctors about how to deal with my condition. Tonight I saw the article on doing exercises as the correct strategy as I face the coming years of what seems to be a very debilitating disease. I had no idea whether to exercise and keep active or just sit back and relax my body. So, it looks like I will be doing some exercises at home.

So far, I have not had to use my breathing mask to ease my breathing at night. The VA people had prescribed the device after a sleep disorder evaluation following an all-night exam. I can get my required hours of sleep by sleeping on my side(s) and I wake up refreshed in the morning, although I do wake up to five times during the night. Fortunately, I turn over and fall asleep in minutes. But at those times I am wide awake.

Is there anyone in the Forum who is at a first or second year stage of IPF? I am a tough Vietnam Veteran and unfortunately this fact may work against me and keep me a long time survivor with the condition. The VA doctors themselves advised I file a Disability Claim, naming Agent Orange as a possible cause of my lung infirmity. That is still being reviewed.

Well, I will try to stay available and add to the forum discussions. And I do read others' comments for orientation. Thanks.

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Tony,
Thanks so much for sharing. First, thank you so very much for your service. I am so grateful to you. I'm so glad that you are filing a disability claim. Fight for it, you deserve it! I'm so glad my column was helpful in helping answer your questions about exercise. So sorry your docs haven't been more forthcoming with how to handle your diagnosis. In case this might help, I just released a book a few days ago called Pulmonary Fibrosis Journey: A Counselor and Fellow Patient Walks with You. It will inform you about this disease, treatments, and how to live with this disease. I didn't get much information from my docs at the beginning and it was really difficult. Best Wishes to you PF Warrior!

Diana Stevenson avatar

Diana Stevenson

Pulmonary Wellness Online with Dr Noah Greenspan is the best program out there. It's easy to follow and is broken down into bite size segments that you can do throughout the day. It's very informative and uplifting. At the end of the day you feel like you've accomplished something very positive and healthy. Noah Greenspan gives you something many other programs and doctors sometimes dont - HOPE!

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Diana,
Thanks so much for sharing your experience with Dr. Noah's program. Totally agreed with what you shared! I love it!

Chuck Grasley avatar

Chuck Grasley

So great to find an online source of rehab for IPF. My pulmonary therapy was very marginal. I have been doing daily rehab at home through trial & error. So excited to find professional guidance online.

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Chuck, I'm so glad this column was helpful. You will LOVE this program!

Karl avatar


Right on Kim! Exercise is important whether you are ill or healthy. It's doubly important when you have IPF or other Pulmonary problems.

It's easy to vegetate. That takes no effort at all and it accelerates decline. Exercise is not always easy, particularly if you push yourself a little more each session, but it improves attitude, builds strength and resistance to disease. I go to a pulmonary rehab center twice a week and exercise at home in between (and should do more).

Pulmonary Wellness Online sounds very interesting; I'll check it out. AARP has a program called Silver Sneakers which provides access to subscribing gyms, I think at discounted rates. I'm going to check that out as well after my rehab program ends.

Doing anything that causes you to laugh is beneficial too. It builds good attitude. We laugh at the rehab center, sometimes kid around when we're on the treadmill, bicycle, weight machine, etc. We laugh at ourselves too. Being with others like ourselves socially feels good.

I highly recommend any pulmonary rehab program.

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Karl, thanks so much for your very encouraging comment. I love how active you are in your care, as well as connecting and laughing with your gym buddies! Excellent! Really appreciate all you shared.

Nancy avatar


Hi. Do I need to have any special equipment for this program (treadmill etc)? How much time per day is required?

Thanks for your help!

Kim Fredrickson avatar

Kim Fredrickson

Hi Nancy,
No you don't need any special equipment. There are 4 activities a day, you can do as many or little as you want. I do them throughout the day and it probably takes a little over an hour. Totally worth it :)

Sandie avatar


Question Can you do it any time of the day according to your schedule I still work? What equipment do you need?

Sandie avatar


How long is it daily?


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