Tips for Dealing With Migraines When You Have IPF
Hi Everyone,
I am lucky enough to have never been someone who has suffered from headaches growing up, or throughout my adult life. Today marks day 14 of a terrible headache that has varied in intensity, although has not gone away fully in two weeks. The intensity can vary from a 1/2 or an 8/9 out of 10, and for someone who has a really high pain tolerance, the 8/9 was concerning to my doctor. When they were that painful, I was also experiencing nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to light and even vomiting occasionally. These are all classic symptoms of a migraine I am told, although I wouldn’t know as I have never suffered from migraines.
That being said, I went to my regular doctor (not lung specialist) who conducted a neuro test on me, and I unfortunately failed some of her testing. As a result, I have been sent for an urgent head CT and MRI as there is some suspicion that I have a concussion from a car wreck I was in not that long ago. Needless to say I am worried, but as I reflected back, I realized that overall I believe I have had more headaches since being diagnosed with IPF than I ever had before my diagnosis. This make sense in my mind since being chronically under-oxygenated, even when using supplemental 02 would cause this.
My question for all of you is: have you noticed an increase in headaches, or migraines in particular since your diagnosis of IPF/PF? I’d love to hear from you if so! I’d also love to hear of any more natural remedies that alleviate your headaches, as I prefer not to take more medications if I don’t need to.
Thank you in advance for sharing!
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