Happy Thanksgiving: What Are You Grateful For?
While it is not the Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada, I know we have many wonderful American friends who access this forum and I’d like to wish them (and anyone else celebrating) a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope your weekend is filled with friends, family, love, good food and gratitude!
Gratitude is something I talk a lot about on these forums. I’ve referenced my interest in gratitude journals before, which includes writing down something that I am grateful for every day in a small book. I haven’t always kept this up, especially not doing it every day but I try to because it forces me to think about something I am grateful for, even during the most difficult of days. Sometimes it is something as simple as being thankful for a warm bed to crawl into at night. Gratitude has really helped me cope with my diagnosis of IPF, because while I often think living with a life-threatening lung condition as young adult is unfair; I know in my heart that there are millions of other people around the world who are living a much more difficult life than I am. Being grateful for the small things helps me cope!
Therefore, this American Thanksgiving weekend, I’d like to challenge you to think about this: what is something you’re grateful for?
It can be something small or large, there is not a wrong answer to this question. If you’re comfortable, please feel free to share it with the rest of our forums community by replying to this thread. Have a safe and happy long weekend, and best wishes to you all.
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