Pulmonary Fibrosis News Forums Forums In Loving Memory “In Loving Memory” Sub-Forum

  • “In Loving Memory” Sub-Forum

    Posted by Charlene Marshall on December 5, 2020 at 8:06 pm

    To our forums family:

    The Director of Forums at Bionews and I debated about whether or not to create a sub-forum on this platform called “In Loving Memory”. However, intention behind doing so is to honour the members of this community, and create a space for us to share stories, offer memories, grieve and remember the individual who passed as a cherished member of our forums. I personally believe this is important to honour and remember those we’ve lost, especially when they’re part of such a supportive community like this platform.


    How it will work: often times I am notified by a member of the individual’s family or friend via e-mail that someone who was part of our community has died of this cruel lung disease. I try to share it with the forums as a ‘status update’ post but I quickly realized doing that doesn’t create a dedicated space for others to contribute their condolences, thoughts, memories, etc. This is the intention of the In Loving Memory sub-forum. Within the sub-forum, I’ll begin a new topic for each member by name and please contribute to it as you see fit or are comfortable.


    With all that said, I’ll share with you that our deepest fear: missing the creation of a space for someone who has passed, so I need your help. If you’re aware of someone in our community who is no longer with us, and you don’t see a thread for them, please notify me via direct message so I can create one. We want to honour everyone, and create space to remember those who were part of our “forums family” and my fear is missing someone. Please help me with that when you can!


    If you have any questions, please let @mark-koziol and I know. I’m working on the creation of the forums now, and will create a space for the people I know who’ve lost their battle with IPF/PF from our forums community.


    Much love,

    Charlene Marshall replied 4 years, 1 month ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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