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  • Bionews Clinical GOES LIVE!

    Posted by Christie Patient on September 10, 2021 at 9:58 am

    Huge announcement from Bionews Services–the parent company of this, and many other rare disease websites.

    “As part of our mission to empower, inspire, and champion the patient voice as well as to engage, inform, and connect the global rare and chronic disease communities, we are proud to announce the launch of Bionews Clinical. Bionews Clinical will help patients living with rare and chronic diseases connect with relevant clinical trial opportunities looking for participants. Learn more here!

    This is an awesome tool that our company has been working to create for a long time. We hope it will be a great resource for our patient-readers. We are excited and honored to connect patients to research and clinical trial opportunities. #WeNeedRareResearch !!

    Christie Patient replied 3 years ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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