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  • 30 Days of PF: Make Every Breath Count

    Posted by Jessie Madrigal Fletcher on September 30, 2021 at 5:33 pm

    In 2015 Aishia Burnett was working full time, going to school part time, a mom, happily married. She got pneumonia but her doctor saw something troubling in her x-ray scans.

    Fast forward to 2017, Aishia’s lung function was declining and her pulmonologist suspected it was IPF. In March 2018 she was told she’s need a double lung transplant to save her life. On March 22, 2021, she received two beautiful, healthy lungs.

    Aishia is a grandmother now, she is still working, and can sing and dance without running out of breath. To her,  life is now in high definition. Colors are brighter, feelings are felt more deeply. She is determined to make each day count!

    That’s the spirit Aishia!

    Now back to our PF Community. Post-transplant, how has life changed? Do you, like Aishia, “see” it all in HD?

    Aishia’s story is on our Instagram! Go check it out and do give us a follow so can discover more PF-friendly content. This has been our #30DaysofPF campaign. We hope you enjoyed reading all of these stories as much as we did 🙂

    Tony replied 1 year, 9 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Tony

    November 16, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    That’s the spirit!

    I am too old for a lung transplant but still doing well enough after 7 years since diagnosis.  Began Ofef in 2018 after participating in the trial of pamrevlumab.

    I am still moderately active, doing shorter walks than in the past and at a slower speed. I play an afternoon of lawn bowls at least once a week.

    Tony Bishop.  Canterbury, New Zealand.

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