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Tagged: Esbriet, IPF, PF, physical activity, vitamin D
Best way to take Esbriet
Charlene Marshall replied 6 years, 8 months ago 18 Members · 110 Replies
Hi Charlene,
In one of your earlier posts here you mentioned pulmonary PT. Did they teach you any specific breathing exercises? I have a doctor friend who practices taking 8 – 10 steps breath in; 8 – 10 breath out. That seems like a good idea to work on for us. Thoughts?
Hi Steve,
Thanks so much for getting in touch. How are you doing? Are you having the heatwave that we’re getting right now, with temperatures upwards of 45 degrees Celsius? It is unbearable at times!
In terms of my pulmonary rehab/PT, yes I did find it helpful not only in terms of relief and reduction of my symptoms but also for breathing techniques I could use at home. Mostly my physiotherapist taught me different breathing patterns, techniques and speeds when I am doing different things, ie. climbing stairs, walking on my treadmill and carrying heavy items. We reviewed the benefit of “pursed lip” breathing even though I don’t have COPD and he gave me some similar instructions, in terms of amount of steps per breath. I think mine were a little less than 8-10, more like 6-8 due to my short strides. It was helpful for me, so I think your doctor friend’s advice is something to work on for sure. Have you tried it? How did it go for you, if so?
I can try and track down my instruction sheets from my pulmonary PT if they would be helpful for you, or I can try to write them all out as I remember them if you want? Let me know. Have you done pulmonary rehab/PT or has it been offered to you Steve? Sorry if you’ve told me this already and I’ve forgotten…
Chat soon,
Hi Steve, my name is Christine and I have IPF. While being evaluated for a lung transplant I attended pulmonary rehab therapy. One of the things taught was climbing stairs. They said deep breath in and go up 2-3 steps as you exhale. Stop and inhale, go up more stairs while exhaling. I don’t know how impaired your breathing is but I’m very impaired (15 liters if I’m doing anything but sitting!) so this works for me. Regards, Christine
Thanks for sharing this with us Christine, it is definitely interesting to learn about others’ experience with pulmonary rehab/PT. I was taught something similar with stairs, although I can do a few more than 2-3 but likely that is due to my lung function being different than yours.
Sending you best wishes as always!
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your response. I was diagnosed a couple months ago but started having problems late 2016. Just started pulmonary PT and it is more a general workout so far. I am unfamiliar w liter measurements yet but the PlumPT should involve ways to expand capacity as much as possible while still able. That’s why I mentioned my doctor friend.
So we can independently practice longer breathes while walking on flat surfaces to help inflate/expand the lungs. Best success to you… Steve
Hi Steve,
Sorry I had asked about pulmonary rehab in my previous response to you before I saw that you had written you’re just starting it. I do remember my first few appointments feeling like more of a workout as well, and then once I had a “baseline”, they started specifically focusing on my lungs and introducing activities that would help strengthen them, expand my breath capacity, etc. If you’ve been a few times and it still feels like more like a workout, please don’t be afraid to ask the pulmonary PT about lung-specific exercises if you’re curious. Sometimes they aren’t always aware of what we feel we can/cannot do as patients and don’t push us as a result 🙂
I’m glad you have your doctor friend as well, as anything we can do on our own to compliment or strengthen our medical care is a bonus.
Best wishes,
Hey Charlene,
I will ask my pulmPT next week about specific breathing exercises and I do know a couple. Thanks for offering. The heat? Well I have been seen walking barefoot in snow just a few years ago but I spent the last 2 years in the Philippines so now the heat is familiar…. Been stateside since April and almost froze then in Roanoke, VA… hahahahah
So what’s better; barefoot at the beach r baorefoot in the snow? I don’t know I’ll let you know when I get home after I finish looking for my shoes. I left them in the Alps somewhere….. Peace…
LOL my vote is barefoot at the beach, but do let me know 😉
Have a nice weekend Steve!
All the best,
Hi Steve,
LOL – I had a good chuckle reading your post, thanks so much for brightening up my day! Walking barefoot in the snow? Brrrr, I absolutely hate the cold and unlike you, can be seen wrapped in scarves, mitts and a blanket during the Canadian winters. Sometimes I wonder why I live here!
I bet the heat in the Philippines was great, ah, I would love to be warm all year-round. As much as I “complained” with the wicked heat wave we just had, summer is just a few short months so I really need to enjoy the warmth. It is something I like (the 45+ degree celsius weather) if I can be on a beach.
Glad you’re going to ask your pulmonaryPT about specific exercises – goodluck! The more we know the better 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!Cheers,
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