Forum Replies Created

  • Barry Paul Moshinsky

    December 7, 2021 at 11:26 pm in reply to: Pulmonary Rehabilitation
    1. O was diagnosed with pf  almost a year ago. I am on oxigen 24 hrs s day with am oxogen machine. I get out of breath after a short walk. I would love to be able to reduce the time on the oxigen machine and keep my oxigen level up as when i try to go without the suplimental oxigen my level drops right away


  • Barry Paul Moshinsky

    December 7, 2021 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Pulmonary Rehabilitation

    O was diagnosed with pf  almost a year ago. I am on oxigen 24 hrs s day with am oxogen machine. I get out of breath after a short walk. I would love to be able to reduce the time on the oxigen machine and keep my oxigen level up as when i try to go without the suplimental oxigen my level drops right away