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  • Ellen

    May 7, 2022 at 7:45 am in reply to: Painful side effects?

    I experienced similar pain, around the bellybutton area & right, this was what I thought coming from the liver. I also was confused & very tired, could not hardly get to bathroom, stayed constipated & severe nausea. I was dehydrated & no appetite. My daughter came in one night after work & had a difficult time waking me up. Did I say I lost 15 pounds in a period of 3 weeks? That might not sound like a lot.,but really could not afford to lose any more my LFT’s (liver function test) were so out of whack that doc cut my med to 1 a day, I still could not tolerate the med so I just stopped.  Each of us are individuals and will experience different symptoms. I adjusted my rest, nutrition & walks as well as try to hang around positive people.  I was on OFEV, but both drugs work about the same. Hoped this helped some and wish you the best. I will be 69 in Oct, Dx in Oct 12,21

  • Jill, do your research. Doctors nowadays want to put us in one category or another. 30 y of nursing never prepared me for this event in my life. My Gene’s from my mother (Scleroderma) is an autoimmune disease. These diseases play havoc with all of your internal organs. ie. heart, pancreas, lungs & now 2nd to OFEV my kidneys, I ended up in a renal crisis. If anyone takes the 2 drugs please have them to do regular liver function test. If by chance your LFT’s are good you will be fine.  If they are bad, talk to doc & get him to lower the dose 1 a day then after a couple of months get another LFT if good & you feel decent continue. For the rest of pharmaceutical companies you don’t want to know what I think. Have a blessed day & hope you find the answers to your questions.

  • Hello to all of you Pf/IPF individuals out there. My pulmonary doc  mentioned & prescribed OFEV for me in November after lung biopsy in October. I was mentally prepared for whatever side effects came. I will say, I could have dealt with the diarrhea, & a little nausea. However, I was not prepared for the see-saw effect of BP & sugar. I had severe nausea & no diarrhea. Was constipated  & dehydrated. I  am going to down play how sick I really was on OFEV. I will tell you that please keep an eye on your liver function test. If you can not eat or drink anything please tell your doc. I am an IPF patient and my opinion only matters to me. Quality of life for me is better than quantity. My doc stands by my decision NOT to take the medicine. He will follow me. And when I or the good Lord say: ok, let’s try this again. Maybe they will have come out w/a new medicine. I eat better, sleep and am able to enjoy my great grandchildren now. My life is full & like always I trust that God will help me with everything.