Forum Replies Created

  • Ken Vetters

    July 31, 2020 at 1:26 pm in reply to: Lifting COVID-19 Restrictions: How Do You Feel?

    My recommendation is simply to LISTEN TO THE FACTS. There is no cure for the virus at this time. Following the directions of the science is simply the responsible course of action. Do I like wearing a mask? No. Do I like using supplemental O2? No, but it may help keep me alive for a while longer. When the scientists say it is time to lift the guidelines, I will be one of the first to visit the grocery store. Do what you have to do to stay safe and strive to keep others as safe as you can. BE SAFE and WEAR A MASK.
    Ken in San Antonio.

  • Ken Vetters

    February 12, 2020 at 10:41 am in reply to: Esbriet Patient Survey

    I have been on Esbriet since it was available to the public in 2014 or 2015. I am 82 years old and diagnosed with IPF officially in 2014.  Initially the dosage of 9 pills a day produced unacceptable nausea so I cut back to 6 pills a day for several months. When the 801 mg pills became available, I switched to them taking 2 pills a day. At the urging of my doctor and family I have progressed through 2 1/2 pills a day back to 3 per day with no problems. I apparently have developed a tolerance of the Esbriet. Something seems to be working since my condition has seen only a slight decline over the last year. I hope that I am not an isolated case and others may see the same results. Ken.