Lifting COVID-19 Restrictions: How Do You Feel?
Please excuse the brevity of this post, I am quite tired physically but also stunned at the conspiracy theories out there regarding COVID-19. I think my mind and emotions are just as tired as my body tonight.
I understand there is a lot of fear, emotion and confusion associated with this virus and what the coming months will look like, especially for those who have school-aged children. Many, including myself, fear that the return-t0-school in September will force a second wave of this virus and I deeply dread being put back into strict isolation again. I also understand that life for everyone has to somehow propel forward, and we need to learn to live with this virus. However, that means being smart and considerate of others!
I recently wrote a column on how I feel about lifting COVID-19 restrictions . It is a delicate balance of wanting to resume some normalcy (for everyone) while also acknowledging that the virus isn’t gone away, and if we resume things too quickly, we could easily be subjected to a second wave. Some parts of the world are already experiencing this!
How do you feel about the COVID-19 restrictions easing?
As a patient living with IPF/PF: will your daily routine change much if restrictions are lifted, or will things remain the same for you?
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