Forum Replies Created

  • Tom

    December 8, 2021 at 7:59 pm in reply to: Pulmonary Rehabilitation

    I started Pulm Rehab in late 2020 but had to interrupt it to have lung surgery in May of this year. I absolutely believe that my stamina was improving and my ability to perform the exercises was advancing in both time/duration and difficulty (ok, barely, but yes).

    Complications from the surgery, including 2 damaged intercostal nerves, have prevented me from resuming PR. I receive between 4 and 6 nerve block injections every 2 weeks to manage the pain and even with the shots use lidocaine patches, tramadol (as needed), Tylenol (1500mg x twice daily) and Motrin (1200mg 2-3 times daily) to get close to comfortable.

    Unfortunately the nerve damage in my ribs affects my ability to do most of the cardio at rehab. Weights = painful. Hand cycle = hurts. Treadmill = yep, ouch. So it is likely that until the pain doc either ablates the nerves or we identify a better, long term option to the injections, I won’t be going back to rehab.

    I’d appreciate any suggestions on exercises I can do at home that won’t send me into painful regret (ok, that was dramatic but kinda true). I could use to drop some weight in preparation for a shot at transplant and sitting in front of a tv every day isn’t helping one bit.

    I don’t mean to come across as whiney but I’m really stuck in a crappy cycle of knowing I need to do more but having legit limitations because of the pain issues and not getting the pulmonary and general physical exercises/exercising I need.

    Anyone else here from NY?

    Thx, Tom