Forum Replies Created

  • Randy Busch

    June 23, 2022 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Self-care: What’s Your “Happy Place”

    Just came back from 5 days fishing in Canada with 2 of my sons and some family friends, ate lots of fresh walleye and had a great time with my boys! That is my happy place and I plan on doing that every year till my PF prevents me! So far I feel I am luckier than most, it’s been 3 years since I was diagnosed and can still do most everything I want but takes a lot more energy and get fatigued easily!


  • Hi I was diagnosed with PF about 2 1/2 years ago and no known cause so I assume it is IPF. I was prescriped 1,000 mg of CellCept twice a day to slow the progression and so far it seems to be working. I have no side effects from it at all. I am tired all th e time and get short of breathe doing very little, but outside if that I am doing fine.


  • Randy Busch

    September 13, 2021 at 12:03 pm in reply to: Patient Experiences with COVID-19

    Hi Ben, I am new to this forum, I was diagnosed with PF about 2.5 yrs ago and I am also on CellCept. I got COVID on December 12 and was given the Moneclonal Antibody Infusion the next day. Had severe sypmtoms for about 2 weeks, body ache, chills, headaches, fever and lost smell which it is finally coming back slowly the last month. I am now fully vaccinenated including the booster. Take care Randy