Forum Replies Created

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  • Sheila Blanchard

    February 9, 2019 at 9:13 am in reply to: Reframing IPF-Related Anxiety.

    Hi Charlene,I loved to travel too haven’t done as much as I wanted to do,my favourite places were Scotland (where I am from)and Las Vagas.I used to go with two girlfriends for one week every year my two friends have since passed away.I haven’t been anywhere in a long time what with looking after my husband he had a heart attack then a stroke before he got cancer then my diagnoses of IPF. He has since passed.These are the places I think mostly of when anxious.I am still knitting.Keep warm.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    February 1, 2019 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Kidney Trouble as a Patient with IPF: Can You Relate?

    Hi Charlene I too have Kidney problems which I have believed came from my Diabetes.right now I am controlling it by keeping my blood sugar at reasonable levels.keep warm

  • Sheila Blanchard

    February 1, 2019 at 10:30 am in reply to: Cold Weather and Fatigue for IPF Patients.

    Hi Charlene, I too have been hibernating haven’t been out in two weeks between the snow storms and icy cold.I have been trying to keep as busy as I can by cleaning my clothes cupboard with many breaks and knitting. I have made some small blankets for the animal shelter near bye. We are supposed to have a bit of a break weather wise wonder if this change will play havoc with breathing.I have to say Charlene, that I appreciate you so much you really help.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    January 31, 2019 at 7:11 pm in reply to: Old TB scars versus Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

    Hi Charlene and Josie yes the weather is bad very cold I live just north of Toronto in Caledon , no Josie the Doctor didn’t seem to think the IPF had a connection to my TB scars but she really didn’t know for sure.Keep warm.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    January 29, 2019 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Old TB scars versus Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

    Hi Josie I too had TB once when I was 12yrs old again at 17 am now 79. I was diagnosed with IPF in June Pulmonary Biopsy.Lately I have not been feeling very well,short of breath and a lot of coughing,maybe due to the weather it is very cold here in Canada.anyway maybe your Dr.will suggest doing this. Hoping this will help.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    November 22, 2018 at 11:15 am in reply to: PF support group survey

    Hi I am very interested in the group support,to be able to interact with others who have IPF.I have had this lung disease for over 2 1/2 years now I am lucky that my Fibrosis is progressing slowly.Although not on oxygen yet I do get very short of breath, especially when exerting myself like making my bed or changing the linens,cooking or such.As for symptoms my acid reflux,I recently bought an adjustable bed which helped very much although I still get it during the day,I am very tired all the time,get bad pains in my head,some numbing and tingling in my extremities short of breath.and most of the other symptoms. I also have severe sleep apnea Diabetes type2 Kidney damage,osteoarthritis.I think the support group will be a big help Sheila Blanchard

  • Sheila Blanchard

    November 2, 2018 at 10:37 am in reply to: What I Didn’t Know Following My IPF Diagnosis

    Hi Charlene, thankfully I still have three good friends who try to help me get through this, the only problem is they live almost one hour away and I don’t have a car anymore so don’t get to see them much.My daughter tries but is not sympathetic to how I feel.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    November 2, 2018 at 10:21 am in reply to: How Well-Intended Encouragement Can Frustrate Me

    Hi Charlene,I know how you feel, although my Fibrosis seems to be progressing slowly (which I am thankful for thank God)there are some days where I really don’t feel very well like tightness in my chest or my breathing is not good, depression tiredness my daughter who is my caregiver says, Mum you are ok the tests you have taken show this,you are not dying.What do you answer to this? Maybe I just want some sympathy.I still miss having my little cat so maybe this is contributing to how I feel.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    November 2, 2018 at 9:58 am in reply to: Indigestion & Acid Reflux

    Hi Charlene, I did in fact purchase a adjustable bed it has helped my acid reflux at night but still have it during the day. I am also on a CPap machine which may be helping also. I had an appointment with my pulmonary Dr. and the results of my tests showed that my Fibrosis has not gotten much worse just a little so that was good news. Lately I have noticed pain in my shin bones does anyone else have this? Or maybe it is not because of my IPF.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    August 23, 2018 at 9:39 am in reply to: Voicing Vulnerability: What I’m Scared of as a PF Patient

    Hi Charlene I too have tried not to show fear, what I fear is how it’s going to end will it be not being able to breath,a stroke, or could it be lung cancer. There is no best way.

  • Hi Charlene,my family Dr. gave me a prescription for Trazodone Hal for relaxation so I could sleep(since then have also been diagnosed with severe Sleep Apnea) have found this to be helpful, ask your Dr. if this could help you. So sorry you are having this problem I know it’s hard when dealing with IPF

  • Sheila Blanchard

    August 23, 2018 at 8:59 am in reply to: abdominal cramps with Ofev

    I also had cramps and bad diarrhea with Ofev.I was admitted into the Hospital as my Magnesium was almost nonexistent I was in hospital for almost two weeks and was told that I could have died my pulmonary Dr. Told me not to take any more Ofev as my IPF seemed to be going slowly so she didn’t want to rock the boat


  • Hi Charlene, I have three good friends who support me,one in particular who has cancer she has just gone through a session of radiation, we try to cheer each other up.Its just that we live so far away from each other,almost an hour away.We keep in touch through the phone.My daughter takes me to all my appointments. Which I appreciate as she has to take time off work to do so.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 19, 2018 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Are You More Sensitive Since Your PF Diagnosis?

    Hi Charlene, I find that I am also emotional when someone says something mainly it’s my daughter,when I wonder if some of my symptoms that I feel is related to IPF.she always says I don’t have to think it’s theIPF, says it could be my Diabetes and now that I have severe sleep apnea and once I get the CPAP or Bpap I will feel less out of breath and have more energy. I also feel very depressed and alone.I always had a pet when I was alone to keep me company, now I am by myself all day no cat, no car to be able to go out sorry Sometimes I feel sorry for myself, which I shouldn’t there are a lot with a lot less than I, and are much worse.

  • Hi Charlene, it must be so satisfying to work with children and families with a disability I admire you. As to parking close to the stores I have a disability certificate which I put on the windshield of the car I am in,you can apply for one at the office where you get your drivers license it helps a lot.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 15, 2018 at 9:59 am in reply to: Feeling Like a Burden As a Result of Pulmonary Fibrosis.

    Hi Charlene, I do feel like a burden on my daughter,as she has to take time off work to take me to all my Dr’s appointments. There are quite a few. We live in Caledon and as I still have my Dr’s in Mississauga where I used to live prior to my IPF it takes almost 3/4 of an hour to get there.Now with the severe sleep apnea I have to go for a fitting for which head gear I need it means I have to go overnight start at 9pm and pick up at 6am it’s a lot for my daughter to have to do and I appreciate what she does. Thanks Charlene

  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 15, 2018 at 9:39 am in reply to: Rheumatioid Arthritis

    Hi Charlene, I no longer have a diarrhea problem but my Pulmonary Dr. Isn’t putting me on any Meds for IPF right now as she doesn’t want to rock the boat  as my scarring  seems to be going slowly for now.I have asked to have a CT scan every year as I haven’t had one for two years, I want to know how much more scarring I have, I was diagnosed in June of 2016 by biopsy.Thanks Charlene


  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 14, 2018 at 10:09 am in reply to: How pets benefit patients with pulmonary fibrosis

    Hi,Charlene, I wish I still had my fur baby (my cat) as I told you earlier I had to rehome her because my daughter has a senior cat and she wants him to enjoy his time left, but I still miss my cat so much it’s been over two years and at night still have a cry especially after talking with the lady who has her said if I want her back I can, she understands how I feel as she also has come to love her, my daughter still said no. I was thinking of going to assisted living but with all my ailments don’t think I can also it is so expensive and only have my government pensions thank you for listening to meCharlene it helps


  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 14, 2018 at 9:49 am in reply to: Rheumatioid Arthritis

    Hi Kathy, I was put on OFEV just after being diagnosed but due to severe diarrhea was taken off right now am not taking any Meds for IPF. Was discovered it was the acid reflux Meds (raperazolle)not sure if that is the right spelling that was causing the severe diarrhea when my magnesium was almost nil and ended up in the hospital. So as now I am only taking over the counter Meds.I have been living with IPF for two and a half years now. I also have type two Diabetes Kidney damage,and now been diagnosed with severe Sleep Apnea and am waiting for a Bpap or CPAP head gear oh also have Arthritis now am thinking what’s next.

  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 14, 2018 at 9:23 am in reply to: Indigestion & Acid Reflux

    Hi Kathy I get acid reflux a lot, I try to watch what I eat but as I don’t eat much anyway it can be hard. I have been thinking of getting an adjustable bed but I will try your remedy to see if will help me.thanks Kathy


  • I live with my daughter and family, I make some of the meals so that she doesn’t have to do this when she comes home. I also keep my room and bathroom clean, just now, I am making little mats (knitting) for rescue and shelters for cats and dogs.I am afraid that is about all I can do right now ,in the fall I make hats or scarves for seniors.


  • Sheila Blanchard

    June 7, 2018 at 10:09 am in reply to: Thinking of all the PF/IPF Fighters on this Forum….

    Hi Charlene, your forums have really helped me you have answered a lot of my issues I really appreciate this thanks again.

  • Hi Charlene, I go to my pulmonary week from today,and hopefully your questions to ask will help me. When I see her I always feel like I am complaining.I try to be (brain fog)smiling And bright but don’t feel that way. I put on my makeup and fix my hair nice and am told how good I look and again don’t feel that way. We will see ,I should get the results of my ekg and sleep apnea tests thanks again for your help.

  • Hi Charlene Sandra, and Joyce, Charlene I congratulate you,I can’t imagine what it must be like to be so young with this disease, at least I am on the tail end of my life. In regards to this topic , I find myself wanting to be alone more and more.I have taken up trying to do sketching (I have never before done this)anyway we will see how this turns out.Now for relationships, I find I keep most of my emotions to myself and smile on the outside,because when I mention something about what I am feeling I am told to try and feel better because so far I am not on oxygen and at first seemed my IPF was progressing slowly. Inside I feel stressed,as you know I had to give up my cat and can’t help feeling a bit of anger and bitterness,and yet my daughter has given me a place in her home so I should be grateful and I am but can’t help how I feel.Anyway I try to pass the time by knitting reading ,sometimes cooking and now sketching also a little exercise.


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