
I’m Feeling Bad — and That’s Good

This past week, I felt things. Like, I really, finally felt things. They were real feelings, not forced, and came without judgment. It’s been longer than I want to admit since I have experienced any emotion without it being tainted by anxious judgment. I have written many columns…

Why I’m Feeling Grateful During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Self-isolation has become a form of survival for those with pulmonary fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. I am a single-lung transplant recipient and have a compromised immune system. COVID-19 can devastate a perfectly healthy person, and someone with my current state of health is at even greater risk. The self-isolation…

Howling for Healthcare and Hospital Heros

Now more than ever, healthcare workers and hospital employees are being applauded for their work. Even in the best of times, working in healthcare is not easy. These days, our healthcare systems are stressed because of COVID-19, and medical care looks vastly different than what we are used…

How I’ve Made Quarantine a Little Easier

It’s fair to say that none of us really know how to navigate our days during this COVID-19 pandemic. I have never lived through anything quite like this, and would guess that many of you haven’t either. The days are long with a lack of routine and structure, and…

Thinking of Those on the Giving Side of Organ Donation

April is Donate Life Month. I have struggled to think of something new to say about organ donation. Everything I’ve written for Pulmonary Fibrosis News has been inspired by, or is in response to, organ donation. I’ve talked about both pre- and post-transplant challenges, caregiver struggles, grief, celebration, and…

Finding Community Within the Chaos

Living through a pandemic means that people around the world are having new and uncomfortable experiences. Many, including me, are afraid. We fear for our health and for our loved ones. We fear for our economy, finances, businesses, and futures. I don’t want to diminish or ignore those fears, but…