Hi Shaw,
I am really glad to hear from you, and hope that you are doing well. Thanks for your reply to this topic!
My doctors are still trying to determine for certain if there is a correlation between my IPF and nerve pain; however, the timing just seems too coincidental for it not to be related at all. That said, both my pulmonologist and rheumatologist are willing to work together to draw conclusions from my bloodwork/labs, symptoms I experience, etc. which I am grateful for. I don’t know if you saw any of my other posts recently about a persistent headache I’ve been having (which varies in intensity, but can get so bad that it causes me to lose my balance and vomit) but due to this, I’ve been referred to a neurologist as well. I mention that because I wonder if I should bring up neuropathy as a cause of my pain? I am seeing the neurologist for follow up to these headaches, which I’ve also had an MRI and CT scan for as it could be a concussion following a car wreck I was in not that long ago. Regardless, I really appreciate your sharing your experience with nerve pain with me (although I wish you didn’t have to experience it) so I can give some thought to questions I can ask the neurologist when I go for the first time.
I am actually on Lyrica right now for the nerve pain, and they just increased my dose. I think it helps with the nerve pain for sure, although it was also supposed to help improve my sleep/quality of sleep and I certainly don’t think it has done that. I think if anything it has worsened my sleep. Due to this headache, I was in ER recently when I lost my balance and I received the Tromodal via IV for pain relief. It did help, but did not take the pain away entirely. Otherwise, the rest of the medications don’t sound familiar to me. May I ask what was intolerable about the Lyric for you? I think one of my next columns will be writing about adjusting to pain as part of daily living with IPF. Like you, I’ve kind of just come to accept this, as frustrating as it is…
We have so much in common Shaw. I also have a prism in my eyeglasses, and have for years! While investigated these headaches, my GP sent me straight to the eye doctor who did confirm that while my eyes have changed significantly in the last few years (ie. the prisms need adjusting/changing, as does my prescription) my eyes are healthy and the cause of the headache is likely neuro-related, hence the suspicion of a concussion after hitting my head in the car wreck. It just seems bizzare to me that the concussion is appearing 4 months after the accident, although my eye doctor (who can’t conclusively diagnose a concussion) said she sees these symptoms appear frequently in this window of time since an accident. She called it post concussion syndrome.
I think I will ask the neurologist to consider neuropathy as a cause to some of my nerve pain, particularly in my extremities.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me and explain your experiences – they really are so helpful in giving me some direction and questions to ask in upcoming appointments. I hope you are doing well otherwise Shaw!
Warm regards,