Eating Healthy While in Isolation at Home
We are beginning the second week of shut down in my house due to the COVID-19 crisis. Fortunately, it is only my wife and I cooped up. Some of my friends have children in school and are having a harder time than usual because of their children wanting to go out and socialize. As an IPF and lung transplant recipient, this confinement is nothing new to me. I am sure a majority of our members have experienced this isolation due to our medical condition. There is always one important thing I need to remember when isolating; creating a plan for me to eat properly.
Every time I get up I look in the refrigerator. I think something is going to magically appear. Most of the time, if I do grab something it sure isn’t an apple or something otherwise healthy. Our house is always well stocked with fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately the pantry is also stocked with items considered to be unhealthy. Who doesn’t love a good salty or sweet snack?
A publication titled, 10 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Working from Home was sent to my email from the Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials website. I thought this article was appropriate even though some of us are not working from home but rather following government orders or self-isolating. Anna Taylor who is a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic discusses “strategies and hacks for eating healthy while working from home.” I think her strategies are concrete and attainable. If you are currently struggling to find the balance of eating healthy while you are isolating, I think her plan will assist you in your efforts to not over eat and also to eat healthy.
I am interested to know: have any forum members had problems with eating habits since this COVID-19 crisis has placed us into isolation?
Please go to the CDC website for up to date information.
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