• Eating Healthy While in Isolation at Home

    Posted by Mark Koziol on March 24, 2020 at 2:00 pm

    We are beginning the second week of shut down in my house due to the COVID-19 crisis. Fortunately, it is only my wife and I cooped up. Some of my friends have children in school and are having a harder time than usual because of their children wanting to go out and socialize. As an IPF and lung transplant recipient, this confinement is nothing new to me. I am sure a majority of our members have experienced this isolation due to our medical condition. There is always one important thing I need to remember when isolating; creating a plan for me to eat properly.


    Every time I get up I look in the refrigerator. I think something is going to magically appear. Most of the time, if I do grab something it sure isn’t an apple or something otherwise healthy. Our house is always well stocked with fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately the pantry is also stocked with items considered to be unhealthy. Who doesn’t love a good salty or sweet snack?


    A publication titled, 10 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Working from Home was sent to my email from the Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials website. I thought this article was appropriate even though some of us are not working from home but rather following government orders or self-isolating. Anna Taylor who is a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic  discusses “strategies and hacks for eating healthy while working from home.” I think her strategies are concrete and attainable. If you are currently struggling to find the balance of eating healthy while you are isolating, I think her plan will assist you in your efforts to not over eat and also to eat healthy.


    I am interested to know: have any forum members  had problems with eating habits since this COVID-19 crisis has placed us into isolation?   


    Please go to the CDC website for up to date information.


    Mark Koziol replied 4 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Karen Martin

    March 24, 2020 at 2:50 pm

    Oh, Mark, I had to laugh when I read what you said about looking in the refrigerator every time you get up as if something new will appear. When you followed it up saying what you do grab isn’t that healthy apple, I really lost it. That is me to a T! Right now I am making an extra effort to be creative with what I have on hand to make healthy meals and snacks without unnecessary trips to the grocery store. However, I think that there is not the first thing wrong with being a little gentle with ourselves when it comes to a reward from time to time. I think as long as some of those things remain just a snack and don’t morph into regular meals, we can all cut ourselves a little slack. Hang in there. Karen

  • Regina Bolyard

    March 24, 2020 at 2:57 pm

    Resisting the urge to eat out of boredom is a challenge right now. Oddly, anxiety about having enough food to last messes with my head too. And it’s not as though I’m ill prepared….. so that’s weird. Fortunately I don’t keep many snack foods around. If I want to eat, I usually have to cook. The upside is that I am enjoying myself by preparing meals that I haven’t made in a very long time. Making sure not to waste is stimulating creativity. So is my low tolerance for repetition.

    I ventured out to the grocery store on Sunday to pick up a couple of things to ensure variety. But I’m still going to need to figure out how to best use what I have to suit my preferences. Cooking for one can be challenging in that way.

    I generally avoid sugar and starches and grains, and while I love beans, they do not love me! So I have little in the way of dry staples and canned foods. That said, if current lock-down measures are prolonged and food supplies become scarce, I’ll be all up in the big bag of rice I stashed!

  • Mark Koziol

    March 24, 2020 at 3:17 pm

    Hello Karen, I am glad you got a nice laugh. Laughing is good for our souls. Since my transplant my body doesn’t let me overeat because I immediately have discomfort. So I guess that’s helping me keep my weight stable. I am not eating more, but more of the bad stuff. We took the dogs to the vet last Friday and even they gained weight unfortunately their weight gain makes their medicine cost more. I’m gonna use this article and construct a home exercise plan and eating plan. Wish me luck. Take care and thank you for commenting. Mark

  • Mark Koziol

    March 24, 2020 at 3:24 pm

    Hello Regina I am in total agreement with regarding eating out of boredom. Unfortunately snacks are all throughout the house over here. I told my wife to put some in the basement but she is the one who will eventually run down to get them for us. I do most of the cooking over here and I make enough usually to have leftovers. May I suggest you search for food websites dedicated for home chefs cooking for one. We will all prevail after this current crisis. Some of us, including myself may be a little huskier. Take care, mark.

  • Regina Bolyard

    March 24, 2020 at 4:06 pm

    That’s a great idea, Mark! Hopefully I can find some recipes that don’t require a lot of ingredients.

  • Mark Koziol

    March 24, 2020 at 4:12 pm

    Hi Regina, I just did a quick search and there are plenty of sites and you could probably narrow down recipes by stating the items you want to use. Bon Appetit Regina!

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